Friday, April 26, 2013

8 Life Lessons Taught by Candy Crush

Candy Crush is the sweetest addiction to hit our smartphones this year, by far. It's a huge time sink and despite being immensely frustrating in the later levels, people just can't stop playing.

In many ways, Candy Crush is just like real life, with 8 lessons we can use four our day-to-day lives.

8. Life is not always fair. Sometimes you get lucky with a good board, sometimes you don't. Deal with it.

7. Persistence is the key to success. If you persist long enough, one of these days you are bound to get it right somehow. Or get lucky. Or both.

6. Ask friends for help when you need it. You'll be surprised at how many are able and willing.

5. Help friends as much as you can. Life is all about give and take after all.

4. There will not always be friends who can help you out. It happens. Suck it up and wait.

3. You won't always understand what's going on. That's fine, you're not expected to.

2. Chocolate is evil. It will mess things up.

1. Life is equal parts fun and frustrating. It is full of challenges every step of the way, yet it can also be sweet and colorful!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Get Malaysian Business Online (GMBO)


Get Malaysian Business Online

Tahukah anda bahawa terdapat bantuan geran sebanyak RM1000 untuk anda para usahawan mikro?

Pemberian geran RM1000 ini adalah kelangsungan daripada program "GET MALAYSIAN BUSINESS ONLINE" yang dikhaskan untuk para usahawan-usahawan mikro yang ingin membawa perniagaan mereka secara online. Namun usahawan-usahawan lelaki juga boleh memohon untuk mendapatkan geran yang bernilai RM1000 ini dengan membuat permohonan. Dibawah ini saya sertakan maklumat2 berkenaan GMBO yang diambil dari laman web SKMM sendiri.


usahawan mikro

Perkara yang anda perlu tahu tentang GET MALAYSIAN BUSINESS ONLINE

1.  Apakah itu Get Malaysian Business Online?
Get Malaysian Business Online ialah inisiatif yang diumumkan dalam Bajet 2013 oleh Perdana Menteri bagi membantu 50,000 usahawan mikro terutamanya wanita untuk melonjakkan perniagaan atas talian. Geran RM1,000 akan diberikan kepada pemohon yang


Apakah syarat untuk mendapatkan geran Get Malaysian Business Online?

Syarat-syarat permohonan:
  1. Warganegara Malaysia berumur 18-65 tahun dengan keutamaan kepada usahawan wanita;
  2. Pendaftaran/Lesen Perniagaan/Syarikat;
  3. Pendaftaran nama domain ( dan laman sesawang yang aktif;
  4. Mempunyai langganan perkhidmatan telekomunikasi jalur lebar atau menjadi ahli berdaftar di Pusat Internet 1Malaysia (PI1M);
  5. Akaun bank tempatan atas nama usahawan/perniagaan/syarikat yang digunakan untuk perniagaan; dan
  6. Keutamaan kepada usahawan mikro – jumlah pekerja (sepenuh masa) tidak melebihi 5 orang atau pendapatan tidak melebihi RM 200,000 setahun.

3.  Bilakah saya boleh mula memohon?Permohonan dibuka bermula dari 1 Januari 2013 hingga 31 Disember 2013 atau sehingga peruntukan RM50 juta telah dipenuhi.

4.  Bagaimana cara untuk saya memohon?Permohonan boleh dibuat melalui laman sesawang Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) di atau di Pusat Internet 1Malaysia (PI1M) yang berdekatan. Klik sini untuk download senarai PI1M.

borang geran rm1000

5. Bagaimanakah geran diagihkan?
Geran RM1,000 akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun bank yang didaftarkan atas nama usahawan/syarikat/perniagaan.

6. Berapa lamakah masa yang diambil untuk permohonan diproses?
Permohonan yang diterima akan diproses dalam tempoh 30 hari bekerja.

7. Apakah sebab permohonan ditolak?
Permohonan ditolak disebabkan beberapa faktor:

- Permohonan yang tidak lengkap dan tidak tepat;
- Syarat-syarat tidak dipenuhi;
- Permohonan telah dibuat oleh ahli kongsi usahawan/syarikat/perniagaan.

8. Berapa kali permohonan boleh dibuat?
Setiap usahawan/syarikat/perniagaan hanya boleh memohon sekali sahaja.

9. Bagaimanakah pemohon mengetahui bahawa permohonan telah diterima?
Akuan penerimaan dan nombor rujukan akan diberikan oleh SKMM setelah borang permohonan telah diisi sepenuhnya dan dihantar.

10. Bagaimanakah untuk mengetahui status permohonan?
Pemohon boleh menyemak status permohonan melalui laman sesawang SKMM melalui nombor kad pengenalan pemohon. Semak status permohonan disini.

11. Adakah terdapat sebarang perjanjian antara usahawan dengan pihak SKMM setelah mendapat dana tersebut?

12. Adakah terdapat sebarang caj perkhidmatan bagi memohon geran tersebut?

13. Adakah penerima geran perlu melaporkan penggunaan wang RM 1,000 yang diterima kepada SKMM?
Penerima geran tidak perlu menghantar laporan. Pihak SKMM akan membuat pemantauan dan tinjauan berterusan mengenai keberkesanan program.

14. Adakah terdapat sebarang bantuan/geran susulan bagi membantu usahawan meneruskan perniagaan?

15. Adakah terdapat sebarang bantuan atau syarat minima bagi membantu usahawan membuka akaun bank?

16. Adakah geran RM 1,000 ini hanya boleh digunakan untuk pembangunan laman sesawang atau kegunaan lain syarikat?
Geran yang diberikan adalah untuk melonjakkan perniagaan atas talian dan tidak terhad kepada pembangunan laman sesawang tetapi boleh digunakan untuk kegunaan lain seperti latihan/kursus, langganan perkhidmatan jalur lebar atau telefon pintar, komputer, langganan perkhidmatan aplikasi perniagaan awan (cloud based business applications) dan sebagainya.

17. Adakah usahawan lelaki dibenarkan untuk memohon geran tersebut?

18. Saya adalah usahawan yang memasarkan perkhidmatan dalam talian. Adakah saya layak memohon?
Anda layak memohon sekiranya memenuhi syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan.

19. Adakah saya layak memohon sekiranya saya hanya memasarkan produk melalui laman blog dan facebook?
Anda perlu mempunyai lawan sesawang ( atau (.my) bagi memasarkan perniagaan anda selain dari laman sosial yang digunakan. Anda juga boleh menggunakan domain lain seperti

20. Adakah geran RM1,000 tersebut akan dibayar terus kepada saya atau disalurkan kepada pembangun laman sesawang tersebut?
Geran akan disalurkan terus kepada usahawan/syarikat/perniagaan yang memohon melalui akaun bank yang didaftarkan.

21. Saya mempunyai perniagaan tetapi masih belum berada dalam talian. Bagaimanakah saya hendak mendaftar dan membangunkan laman sesawang perniagaan saya?
Pendaftaran laman sesawang boleh dilakukan dengan myDomain Registry manakala pembangunan laman sesawang boleh dilakukan dengan mana-mana agensi atau syarikat yang menawarkan perkhidmatan pembangunan laman sesawang. Anda juga boleh menggunakan kemudahan yang terdapat di untuk membina laman sesawang dan pengehosan percuma.

22. Perniagaan saya adalah perniagaan pemilikan tunggal. Adakah saya boleh menggunakan akaun bank peribadi bagi memohon geran tersebut?

23. Saya mempunyai syarikat perniagaan tetapi tidak mempunyai akaun bank syarikat. Adakah saya layak mendapatkan geran ini?
Ya. Akaun atas nama usahawan boleh digunakan.

24. Saya mempunyai 3 buah syarikat. Adakah saya boleh memohon untuk ketiga-tiga syarikat tersebut?
Tidak. Setiap individu/syarikat hanya boleh memohon sekali sahaja.

25. Sekiranya saya ada pertanyaan, kepada siapakah patut saya ajukan?
Sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan melalui email iaitu atau telefon 1-800-88-4040 (Isnin sehingga Jumaat kecuali cuti umum dari jam 8.30 pagi hingga 5.30 petang) mulai 1 Januari 2013.

26. Adakah pendaftaran secara talian ini akan beroperasi 24 jam?
Sistem talian ini akan diberhentikan seketika pada pukul 11 malam sehingga 7 pagi setiap hari. Ini bertujuan agar penyelenggaraan sistem dan mengemaskinikan data dapat dilakukan.

Kepada usahawan-usahawan mikro yang belum ada website atau ingin membangunkan lagi website anda atau usahawan-usahawan internet atau pemasar-pemasar servis ambillah peluang dari geran RM1000 yang diperuntukkan kepada anda sebaiknya untuk memajukan lagi perniagaan anda.

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How To Lower Cholesterol in 7 Days

Photo: How To Lower Cholesterol in 7 Days............MUST SHARE


Increase your fruit and veggie intake. They are rich in important nutrients, low in saturated fats and are cholesterol-free. They are also rich in fiber, which has a cholesterol-lowering effect. Aim to have at least five serves a day, and to eat a variety of different coloured fruits and veggies each day.


Reduce your intake of unhealthy fats. Saturated and trans fats raise blood cholesterol levels. Trans fats are the worst, so limit your intake of processed and fast foods. Choose low-fat dairy products, healthy oils such as olive oil, and flaxseed oil instead of butter. Trim fat from meat and skin from poultry.


Cook with olive oil, a source of healthy monounsaturated fats. It has a higher oxidation threshold than most monounsaturated oils and remains stable at higher temperatures, so is more resistant to hydrogenation and the formation of trans fats. Monounsaturated fats help to lower total cholesterol levels.


Eat more garlic. Studies show that, as part of a low-fat diet, it can help reduce cholesterol levels - lowering levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and raising "good" HDL cholesterol. It also helps to thin the blood, which helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Studies show countries that eat more garlic have lower rates of heart disease.


Eat more legumes. Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, beans and peas are good for people with high cholesterol levels. They are low in fat and rich in nutrients such as B vitamins, iron and unsaturated fats. They are also a rich source of soluble fibre, which helps to lower cholesterol levels.


Eat oatmeal for breakfast. Whole oats are packed with heart-healthy dietary fiber and nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin E and iron. Oats are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. Choose fiber-rich whole oats over quick oats.


Snack on nuts. They are rich in unsaturated fats. Choose nuts that are higher in unsaturated (mono and poly) fats and lower in saturated fats. These include almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and pistachios. Try making up a trail mix with your favorite raw, unsalted nuts, dried fruit and a mix of seeds.Monday

Increase your fruit and veggie intake. They are rich in important nutrients, low in saturated fats and are cholesterol-free. They are also rich in fiber, which has a cholesterol-lowering effect. Aim to have at least five serves a day, and to eat a variety of different coloured fruits and veggies each day.


Reduce your intake of unhealthy fats. Saturated and trans fats raise blood cholesterol levels. Trans fats are the worst, so limit your intake of processed and fast foods. Choose low-fat dairy products, healthy oils such as olive oil, and flaxseed oil instead of butter. Trim fat from meat and skin from poultry.


Cook with olive oil, a source of healthy monounsaturated fats. It has a higher oxidation threshold than most monounsaturated oils and remains stable at higher temperatures, so is more resistant to hydrogenation and the formation of trans fats. Monounsaturated fats help to lower total cholesterol levels.


Eat more garlic. Studies show that, as part of a low-fat diet, it can help reduce cholesterol levels - lowering levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and raising "good" HDL cholesterol. It also helps to thin the blood, which helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Studies show countries that eat more garlic have lower rates of heart disease.


Eat more legumes. Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, beans and peas are good for people with high cholesterol levels. They are low in fat and rich in nutrients such as B vitamins, iron and unsaturated fats. They are also a rich source of soluble fibre, which helps to lower cholesterol levels.


Eat oatmeal for breakfast. Whole oats are packed with heart-healthy dietary fiber and nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin E and iron. Oats are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. Choose fiber-rich whole oats over quick oats.


Snack on nuts. They are rich in unsaturated fats. Choose nuts that are higher in unsaturated (mono and poly) fats and lower in saturated fats. These include almonds, walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and pistachios. Try making up a trail mix with your favorite raw, unsalted nuts, dried fruit and a mix of seeds.

Five Steps to Analyzing Training Needs and Solutions

Don’t believe me? It’s basic critical thinking. I look around the internet and people are always asking how do you do this or that, what are the steps? Sometimes I smile and say, “If I tell all my secrets…” Actually I have Mary Ellen Guffey to thank for her article, Five Steps to Better Critical-Thinking, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Skills from 1998. I’m just going to borrow her title points and we can try to fill in the blanks with training points.
  1.      Identify and clarify the problem.
  2.      Gather information.
  3.      Evaluate the evidence.
  4.      Consider alternatives and implications.
  5.      Choose and implement the best alternative.
At the university where I teach, we start the students off with critical thinking; the logic is to get the students not to just absorb material but to think about it and use it–not unlike training reasoning. I routinely refer to this as creative thinking because even though it appears dry on the surface, digging deeper, brainstorming, exploring, and playing what if are essentially creative tools.

Let’s put this in training terms now.
  1. First, we want to know if the problem is real or perceived and the age-old training question: we want to identify that the problem a company has is indeed due to a lack of training. As you know some problems are not training problems at all, but organizational. I, for one, don’t like to do business with anyone who would take a job from me and do work that didn’t need to be done in the first place. So, we find out the extent of the problem and research the company to “clarify” the nature of that problem.
  2.  Next, we will gather information to evaluate the nature of the evidence (the causes, pinpointing the need that we have determined that needs to be addressed to help us determine what kind of training could be beneficial to resolve the issues
  3. Evaluating the evidence for us means looking at all the factors that affect training an organization: size, level, method and balance that against possible solutions to the problems at hand. Not only that, but here we are looking for spoilers: misinformation, office politics, rigged statistics, etc. We need to ferret out the truth.
  4. All the while we are looking at alternatives to training and different kinds of training, and even if we are the right trainers for the job, as well as the implications our training may have in the short and long term. We must take into account cost factors as well as methods. We are scrutinizing ourselves just as must as we have scrutinized the problem.
  5. Decision time. It would seem now we have enough material to deal with, and that’s just from the company-level; there is also the hands-on training to consider that comes next, and to consider ways to monitor it in the future to see the training lasts or needs refreshers.
So, there you have it. Five steps to analyze needs and solutions. It’s not as hard as it sounds. These are things you may be doing without thinking. Now you know what to call them: critical thinking about… or if you want to be different creative thinking about…, which is my choice. If you aren’t doing this already, maybe you should. It’s basic creative thinking. By the way, Mary Ellen Guffey is a business communicator with several books. I’ve heard there are striking similarities between good trainers and good communicators. Here’s another link you may find helpful in your search for connections: Using Design Method for Problem Solving.

By the way, if you are looking for a good, how-to on doing a basic needs assessment, here’s a good place (besides our Training Library) to start:

For more resources about training, see the Training library.


What's better than a blended Frappuccino at Starbucks?

Question: What's better than a blended Frappuccino at Starbucks? 

Answer: A blended Frappuccino that is at half price!


5 Reasons to Try Google AdWords

Many businesses have heard about Google AdWords and many of them often are not sure if AdWords can work for them or if they should try AdWords at all.

AdWords is a Pay Per Click (PPC) System. It is hugely successful and accounts for around 97% of Google's revenue. If it didn't work it wouldn't be so successful yet there are still many business owners that question or are unsure of its ability as a marketing medium.

AdWords requires time, patience and money to get right – that’s for sure. It would be unwise (and often unrealistic) to expect that running AdWords (often with a free voucher) for a month is enough to prove its potential. The fact is: the longer and better you run AdWords the better the performance (as you should be constantly optimising your campaigns).

As with any type of marketing you should set a realistic budget and time frame to give it chance to work for your business (A Google Certified Partner can help you with this).

If you've never tried AdWords here's 5 reasons why you should:

1. Adwords is Scalable

The great thing about AdWords is that is absolutely scalable. Once your campaigns are performing well and you understand the returns you are getting you can apply more budget to get more clicks and hence more conversions. Here is an example:

If you are spending £1000 on AdWords per month and getting 100 orders with a cost per conversion of £10 and your average sale is £300 then your probably quite happy with your AdWords performance. If these figures worked with your margins you'd want to throw as many £10's at it as you can as you know it results in a conversion right?

Providing there are enough searches (AdWords can tell you this too!) then doubling your budget would effectively double your conversions with the same CPA (Cost per acquisition).

Given this, rather than arbitrary capping your budget you could raise it to take advantage of the additional conversions that are possible.

2. AdWords is Accountable

Think about this, if your spending money on traditional advertising, lets say magazine advertising. What return do you get from this medium? How many people who saw your advert visited your website and enquired? How many turned into customers?

Closer to home, lets look at SEO for example: Whilst SEO is very accountable its not to the extent that AdWords is for example: you cannot attribute specific actions to ranking increases or decreases. With AdWords your advert position is a measured metric so we can see exactly what has contributed to position changes for example.

Overall AdWords gives you lots of metrics for you to quickly gauge if your campaigns are performing - or otherwise.


3. AdWords Gets Faster Results than SEO.

If your a new business and SEO campaign is going take months (if not years) to get you significant levels of traffic. SEO takes time and age of your website/domain is a factor: new sites take longer to rank for terms than established sites do.

Adwords on the other hand can be active within a matter of minutes allowing you to compete almost instantly with your competition. You can often start your account with a free voucher from Google essentially giving you advertising budget to get started with.

4. AdWords is Very Flexible

AdWords gives advertisers lots of options to help "laser target" potential clients, here's some examples:

Target ads by: Location, Language, Device Type, Time of Day, Day of Week and lots more. Since AdWords can monitor your conversions you can set your ads to only show at times you are more likely to receive a conversion.

Ad Extensions: Add Call Extensions which allow searches to call you by clicking a button (on mobile) or get your telephone number directly from your advert. Site Extensions allow you to display additional links to sections of your website or Product Extensions which allows you to display actual product images within your adverts.

Display Network: Show your ads on other websites such as You Tube or even GMail. You can even use Google's Re-Marketing system to show targeted ads to visitors that have abandoned your checkout process for example.

5. Your Competitors are Using AdWords

If everyone else is doing it, why aren't you? Search Engine visitors are always going to click the adverts (15% of all do) so if your not there you are certainly missing out. It was reported that in the latter half of 2012 paid search spending increased by 33% suggesting a significant uptake in the use of systems such as Google AdWords.


Friday, April 19, 2013


Seorang suami yang memeluk isterinya untuk sekurang-kurangnya 10 saat setiap pagi akan panjang umurnya lima tahun. Pakar motivasi Datuk Dr. Mohd. Fadzilah Kamsah berkata, fakta berdasarkan kajian oleh seorang pakar di Jerman mengenai hubungan antara sentuhan dan tahap kesihatan.

"Seseorang itu boleh panjang umur jika memeluk isterinya setiap hari kerana pelukan dan sentuhan boleh menyebabkan tubuh manusia mengeluarkan pelbagai hormon termasuk endorfin yang baik untuk kesihatan tubuh.

"Bagaimanapun, sebagai seorang Islam kita tidak harus lupa ajal dan maut terletak di tangan Allah," katanya ketika memberi syarahan bertajuk Perkahwinan dan Seks: Penawar dan Rawatan Bagi Banyak Penyakit’ di Persidangan Ketiga Perubatan Daripada Perspektif Islam anjuran Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya di Hotel Sheraton Subang.

Hormon endorfin adalah sejenis bahan kimia semula jadi yang bertindak sebagai penahan sakit dan mengurangkan keresahan. Jelasnya, selain mempunyai kesan positif dari segi saintifik dan kesihatan sentuhan, pelukan dan gurau senda antara suami dan isteri juga merupakan sunah Rasulullah s.a.w.

Tambah beliau, ada kajian di Amerika Syarikat (AS) juga mendapati pelukan suami dapat mengurangkan tahap kolesterol dan meningkatkan kesihatan isteri.

"Oleh itu suami yang inginkan isterinya menurunkan berat badan digalakkan peluk isterinya lebih kerap," katanya disambut dengan gelak ketawa oleh peserta persidangan itu.

Jelas beliau, hubungan seks dalam penuh rasa kasih sayang juga dapat membantu pasangan untuk awet muda dan berketerampilan menarik.

"Wanita yang mempunyai kehidupan seks yang baik dan bahagia akan lebih cenderung untuk menghiasi diri," kata Fadzilah. 


Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (SPA)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pursue Career Excellence With UNIVERSITI KUALA LUMPUR

Career @ UniKL

We offer you competitive remuneration packages as well as career advancement opportunities

Universiti Kuala Lumpur is presently a leading technical university in the country operating from nine campuses and three institutions nationwide. As part of our expansion plan, we invite suitably qualified candidates to join us in our commitment towards continuing the tradition of academic excellence.
COME ON & JOIN US... together we achieve excellence in life
We offer a competitive salary package with attractive fringe benefits as well as challenging and condusive working environment.
Please click the link below for Latest Job Vacancies detail:

Download Advertisement: advertisement - services.pdf

Monday, April 15, 2013

ASUS AiCloud Giveaway

Experience cloud computing with ASUS AiCloud in the "Share, Tag & Win" campaign and stand a chance to win an ASUS Fonepad.

ASUS Networking once again presents the "Share, Tag & Win" campaign and the lucky winner would walk away with the latest ASUS Fonepad. The catch is to find a "picture" via ASUS AiCloud and Share it to your Facebook Wall. Before posting the Share, remember to write "The Fastest AC Router for you" and Tag 5 friends + @asusrogmalaysia (ASUS Republic of Gamers Malaysia). By participating this campaign, you get to experience cloud computing which is the next big thing in IT Industry.

How to participate?
  • Login to AiCloud Link -
  • Proceed or Add the security certificate into exception for secure connection
  • Login details - Name: aicloud, Password: aicloud
  • Explore the AiCloud & Find a JPEG file
  • Grab the file and Post it to your Facebook Wall with the details below as Status:
  • "The Fastest AC Router for you" + Tag 5 friends & @asusrogmalaysia (ASUS Republic of Gamers Malaysia)
  • Campaign Period: 11th - 30th April 2013
* remember to set the Post to Public and comment in this note to notify if you have completed the steps.

ASUS AiCloud keeps you connected to your data wherever and whenever you have an Internet connection. It links your home network and online Web storage service* and lets you access it through the AiCloud mobile app on your iOS or Android smartphone or through a personalized URL in a Web browser. Now all your data can go where you do.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 Questions You Must Ask to Set Your Customer Strategy

Your customers are the most important part of your business – without customers, your company wouldn’t exist – and your customer strategy is best built by talking to those same customers. By asking them (and yourself) the questions that matter, you’ll be able to make the best decisions for your business and for your customers.


Serve Customers by Asking Questions

Gary Hoover says it well in an interview conducted in 2011: customer strategy starts with serving customers.

Only people can focus on customers.  And all businesses are customer-centric whether they think so or not.  It’s just that some are focused on screwing their customers while others focus on making customers’ lives full of delight, and everything in between.  Those who don’t cherish and respect and innovatively serve their customers will not be long for this world. –Gary Hoover

Strategy, like other processes, gets better as you iteratively improve it, so you should strongly consider using a rubric – like the 5 Whys Method pioneered by Toyota – to force yourself to answer the questions that need to be asked. These questions, like the 5 whys, build on each other in a manner of philosophic first principles. You can ask any one out of order, and they are more powerful when used as a holistic process to guide your strategy.


Question 1: Who is your customer?

The first question you need to ask to set your customer strategy is to honestly ask yourself about the identify of your customers. Do they belong to small businesses, or large ones? Do they communicate on only one channel (like email) or do they tweet, Facebook, and Pin all day long? The best way to find out is to get out of the building and go to the customer’s office and talk to them about their likes and dislikes, and about the ways their business can be more successful. If you can’t visit them, survey them.

And if you want to make customer personas to guide your team with the insights you learn, here’s some information to get you started.


Question 2: How does your customer like to be contacted?

We all have our preferences about how to be contacted by a company with which we do business. Those communication norms stem both from our comfort level with the business, the type of service we buy from them, and how often we contact them normally. You might think it’s strange to be contacted by your insurance company more than once or twice a year, and you might welcome a weekly call from a recurring service provider.

Be flexible and allow your customers to tell you how often they like to be contacted, and don’t overwhelm them with messaging. Once you determine how often your customers want to be contacted, you can use an integrated calendar that incorporates your CRM and inbound marketing tools, or you can simply use a spreadsheet to manage this communication. You might recognize this strategy from content marketing – here’s a template for a content calendar.


Question 3: What will you do when your customer is disappointed?

Customer strategy sounds great when the customer is happy. So what should you do when things go wrong, or simply not as planned? We’ve written here about dealing with demanding customers, and an important part of your customer strategy is deciding how you will respond to the unhappy customer (whether it’s your fault, their fault, or somewhere in between.) A very useful rubric that you can consider is the idea of Acknowledging the issue, Apologizing for any inconvenience, Offering to find out information, and Answering with a fact-based explanation (including offering a workaround if one exists.)

If you can’t solve the disappointment, address it directly and your customers will appreciate avoiding a run-around explanation. You may not be able to solve their problems, and you can give it your best effort. An excellent way to check your experience for new customers is to periodically sign up for a new account on your own service and write down any observations that seem relevant.


Question 4: How do you know when your customer is successful?

It would be awesome if all of your customers told you when they had a rousing success with your product or service. More often than not, they won’t tell you when they are able to do the job they hired your product to do – because to them, “it just works.” So part of your customer strategy needs to be working actively to understand the conditions that are necessary (perhaps not sufficient) for success. That might mean that all of the documentation needs to be in synch with the 4 steps to complete an action in the product; it might mean that the team members are all briefed early in the product process on a new feature; and it might mean creating a beta group to test how customers will react to the thing you think they should be able to do.

You’ll know when your customer is successful both when they tell you, and when you anticipate the necessary steps for them to have completed along the path to success – and make them as easy as possible. One of my favorite ways to check whether I’m building success for my customers is to check out the Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development and flip to any page for a good idea.


Question 5: What’s Next?

The practice of asking questions, as in the 5 whys method, allows you to get the raw material to determine your customer strategy. And these questions that we’ve posed here are not an end in themselves. The act of asking these questions provides the raw material that you can use to pick the people, processes, and tools that will allow you to build a customer strategy to understand your customer, communicate with them effectively, know when they are disappointed, and when they are successful. Asking these five questions will get you started, and building the resulting strategy is an ongoing process. When you build the right customer strategy, it’s easy to create, communicate, and deliver unique value to your customers.

questions640 5 Questions You Must Ask to Set Your Customer Strategy

Monday, April 1, 2013


Seorang nenek datang menziarahi rumah cucu perempuannya yang baru berkahwin. Setelah membunyikan loceng, si nenek terkejut kerana mendapati cucu perempuannya yang membuka pintu dgn tanpa seurat benang pun di badannya.

Belum sempat si nenek bertanya, si cucu berkata,

"Saya sedang menunggu suami saya pulang dari berkerja nie nek!"..

"Yg kau telanjang tu nape!!!???"
marah si nenek.

"Ini la BAJU CINTA saya" balas si cucu perempuannya.

"BAJU CINTA ??" si nenek kehairanan.

"Ya, suami saya menyukainya, saya juga begitu senang MEMAKAInya. Saya harap nenek dapat balik dulu sebelum suami saya pulang kerana tentu suami saya nanti akan berasa malu melihat saya memakai BAJU CINTA ini di hadapan nenek." pinta si cucu perempuannya.

Si nenek faham kehendak cucunya. Dalam fikirannya mungkin itu cara terbaru si isteri melayan sang suami. Di dalam perjalanan pulang si nenek mendapat idea. Fikirnya dengan mengikut cara cucu perempuannya, sudah tentu dia dapat mengeratkan hubungannya dengan si atok yang sudah berumur.

Sesampainya di rumah, si nenek tadi terus menanggalkan semua pakaiannya, mandi, berbedak dan memakai minyak wangi sewangi wanginya.

Kemudian si nenek tadi pun menunggu si atok pulang. Beberapa ketika si atok pon pulang.

Sebaik saja pintu di buka, si atok mendapati si nenek berbogel kat depan pintu....

"Awat hang nie? Dah buang tebiat keeer???" marah si atok tadi.

"Ini lah BAJU CINTA saya bang" kata si nenek tadi.

"BAJU CINTA???...... Kok iyea pun..... IRON la dulu baju tuh!! nampak sangat kedutnyer....."


Gf : Nk kuar mkn dgn kwn boley ? Si Abu..
Bf : Ok. Jgn balik lambat.
Gf : Yey! Ok. (Bbm xdelivered)
Bf : Kuar dgn sape ni? Senyap je.
Gf : Abu la. Da tau kn. (Xdelivered)
Bf : Kt mane? Ad affair dgn kwn ke kluar lama!!
Gf : Da kt rmh! Line bengong :( (xdelivered)
Bf : OK! U curang, I curang !
Server : Yey! Ok. (baru delivered yg 1st td)
Bf : Ni yg u nak? U pilih I or dia?
Server : Abu la. Da tau kn. (2nd)

heheh...pening palo den.....


Suami: Sayang.. Sayang tau tak setiap huruf A,B, C hingga Z ada makna yang istimewa untuk sayang...
Isteri: Ye ke.. emm.... Apa dia?
Suami : A, B,C..
Isteri : what ??
Suami : Always Be Careful..
Isteri : Hehe.. then??
Suami : D, E, F, G..
Isteri : .....??
Suami : Don't Ever Forget Girl..
Isteri : Girl..?!
Suami : Hmm... I'm H, I..
Isteri : What H, I ??
Suami : Happily Inlove..
Isteri : So... ??
Suami : J, K, L, M Just Keep Loving Me..
Isteri : And how about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z??
Suami : No Other Person Quite, Reasonable, Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me Your Zauj...
Isteri : :-) ♥
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