Saturday, September 19, 2015

Tear Down These 3 “Success Floodgates” To Flood Your Life With Success!

Do you realize how close you are to turning your dreams into your reality?
If you could see how close you are to success, you’d be kicking yourself that you haven’t just reached out to grab it yet.
The truth is, no matter how much you feel like a failure, success is literally waiting to flood your life. The only thing you have to do, is tear down the “Success Floodgates” holding it back.

Here’s 3 “Success Floodgates” holding back your dreams:

1. Making Excuses

If we choose someone successful to look at as an example, like Steve Jobs, we’ll see that he never made excuses. When things went wrong, he didn’t blame other people. He didn’t refuse to accept responsibility for his own mistakes. He didn’t try to justify his poor choices.
He didn’t make excuses because he understood that failure is going to happen. It’s not the end of the road – it’s one step on the road to success.
In fact, the next Success Floodgate you have to tear down is…

2. Fearing Failure

Like I already said, failure happens. But it’s not a dead end – it’s a step forward.
Too many people run into a tiny bit of failure, and they think they’re done forever. They give up immediately, never realizing how close they were to achieving their goals.
The problem is, they take failure personally. They think it means something’s wrong with them. But the truth is, failure is part of the journey to success.
That’s why it’s so important that you stop…

3. Beating Yourself Up

Think about it. Can you imagine Steve Jobs yelling at himself, saying that he’s dumb, or lazy, or any of the other million insults people tell themselves? Of course not!
Successful people don’t beat themselves up. They understand that taking your anger out on yourself only pushes your goals farther away. They still get upset, but they channel those emotions into constructive energy. They use that energy as jet fuel to reach their goals.
The truth about success is that you’re closer than you think. Sometimes all it takes is tearing down the floodgates, so you can let your dreams pour in.
But there’s an even easier way to turn your dreams into your reality, and it doesn’t require hard work, stress, or struggle…
You won’t believe the hidden connection that success experts recently discovered behind people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and even Albert Einstein.
Check out this free presentation on this new discovery that’s changing the way people look at success, taking “hard work” out of the equation:
Thought Elevators

Friday, September 11, 2015

Perbezaan antara syarikat Enterprise & Sendirian Berhad

Kini, ramai yang mula berjinak-jinak untuk menyertai bidang perniagaan kerana tidak mahu lagi bekerja di bawah telunjuk orang lain. Namun, satu persoalan akan timbul apabila hendak mula mendaftarkan perniagaan masing-masing. Perlukah didaftar atas nama Enterprise atau Sdn. Bhd.? Bagi mereka yang masih keliru, jangan risau. Perbezaan paling mudah yang boleh dilihat adalah Enterprise (perniagaan boleh dijalankan secara sendiri akau berkongsi dengan rakan) dan Sdn. Bhd (perniagaan tidak boleh dilakukan secara sendirian). Enterprise dan Sdn. Bhd. adalah bentuk perniagaan yang memerlukan lesen berdasarkan ‘Registration of Business Act’.
Enterprise boleh didaftarkan sebagai milikan tunggal atau perkongsian. Sesuai untuk perniagaan yang dijalankan secara kecil-kecilan dan sederhana. Mempunyai liabiliti yang tidak terhad (asset persendirian anda juga terdedah kepada risiko jika perniagaan mengalami kerugian).
Sdn. Bhd. memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya dua orang ahli untuk ditubuhkan. Sesuai untuk mereka yang ingin mengembangkan perniagaan atau perniagaan yang dijalankan adalah berskala besar. Mempunyai liabiliti yang terhad (asset persendirian anda akan dilindungi).

Kelebihan Sdn. Bhd. berbanding Enterprise?

Syarikat Sdn. Bhd. adalah berliabiliti terhad – Risiko kerugian dan bankrap bagi syarikat Sdn. Bhd. hanyalah terhad kepada harta yang disumbangkan ke dalam syarikat itu, tetapi risiko untuk perniagaan Enterprise rugi atau bankrap adalah lebih besar kerana risikonya termasuk harta perniagaan dan juga harta peribadi.
Jangka hayat syarikat terjamin – Sesebuah syarikat tidak akan dibubar jika salah seorang pengarah atau pemegang saham meninggal dunia. Namun berbeza dengan perniagaan Enterprise, kematian pemilik atau rakan kongsi akan diikuti dengan pembubaran perniagaan.
Kemudahan untuk mendapat modal bagi syarikat Sdn. Bhd. adalah lebih besar berbanding dengan perniagaan Enterprise kerana ianya lebih teratur dari segi pengurusan lembaga pengarah, mesyuarat agung tahunan, laporan audit dan juga laporan tahunan.
Syarikat Sdn. Bhd. berpotensi untuk berkembang luas sama ada melalui penggabungan, ambil alih atau usahasama, sebaliknya tahap perkembangan perniagaan Enterprise pula agak terhad.
Pemilik saham bagi syarikat Sdn. Bhd. juga tidak dibebankan dengan tanggungjawab pengurusan kerana pengurusan syarikat dijalankan oleh ahli lembaga pengarah.


Perbezaan Sdn. Bhd. dan Enterprise Syarikat Sdn. Bhd

Konsep entiti
Sebuah syarikat Sdn. Bhd. adalah satu entiti sah yang berasingan, terpisah dari identiti pemegang saham, pengarah ataupun ahli-ahlinya. Oleh itu, asset yang dimiliki oleh syarikat adalah hak milik syarikat dan bukannya hak milik perseorangan. Begitu juga dengan hutang, syarikat yang bertanggungjawab untuk menyelesaikannya.
Liabiliti dalam perundangan
Sebuah syarikat Sdn. Bhd. dan pemiliknya adalah dua entiti yang berasingan dari segi perundangan. Jika seseorang menyaman syarikat itu atas sebab-sebab tertentu, pemilik syarikat itu berkemungkinan hanya akan kehilangan apa yang dia telah laburkan dalam syarikat.
Konsep berterusan
Syarikat Sdn Bhd akan terus wujud walaupun selepas kematian salah seorang pemegang saham, pengarah ataupun ahli-ahlinya. Saham orang yang meninggal dunia boleh diserahkan kepada orang lain, sepertimana yang dituliskan dalam surat wasiat, dan kewujudan syarikat itu tidak terganggu. Saham itu juga boleh dijual mengikut kehendak waris, dan pemilik baru saham tersebut akan menjadi pemegang saham syarikat.
Cukai akan dikenakan ke atas syarikat. Kesemua perbelanjaan yang terbabit dalam pemerolehan pendapatan sebuah syarikat Sdn. Bhd. itu boleh diberi pelepasan bagi tujuan cukai pendapatan. Pelepasan termasuklah faedah ke atas pinjaman yang diambil bagi modal pusingan, gaji pekerja, komputer, kereta dan yuran audit dan cukai.

Perniagaan Enterprise

Bentuk perniagaan Enterprise
Perniagaan Tunggal-Perniagaan yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh seorang (1) pemilik.
Perniagaan Perkongsian-Perniagaan yang dimilki oleh  sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) orang dan tidak melebihi dua puluh (20) rakan kongsi.
Konsep entiti
Pemilik perniagaan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya bagi aset dan juga liabiliti syarikat.
Liabiliti dalam perundangan
Pemilik syarikat dan syarikat itu adalah satu entiti yang sama dari segi perundangan. Oleh itu, pemilik syarikat berkemungkinan akan hilang keseluruhan wang simpanan dan hartanya jika seseorang menyaman syarikat itu dan menang.
Konsep berterusan
Apabila pemiliknya meninggal dunia, keseluruhan perniagaan beserta asset dan liabiliti perniagaan akan diuruskan mengikut wasiat. Selain itu, perniagaan tersebut juga akan dibubarkan apabila pemiliknya meninggal dunia.
Perniagaan Enterprise tidak perlu membayar cukai. Hasil pendapatan yang diperoleh akan dikenakan ke atas cukai peribadi pemilik. Keuntungan perniagaan akan dikira sebagai pendapatan individu. Oleh yang demikian kadar cukainya adalah berdasarkan kadar cukai individu.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

6 BEST Practices for Email Marketing

Email Marketing vs Social Media Marketing/Mobile Marketing

We know. Many reckon there is not even necessary to compare. Many would say Social Media Marketing & Mobile Marketing are all the hype now. Some would say Email Marketing is gone.
Think twice. Email Marketing is now more powerful than ever because of social media!


This is because Email Marketing moves the conversation between you and your customers up to a more personal level – the Inbox. Moreover, with so many chat apps out there, most of us are joining too many chat groups which do not concern us at all.

So what do most of us do at the end of the day? We start to ignore certain chat apps and no longer reading them.


But Email is different. Your email inbox is something more private. Most of us check our email inbox from time to time no matter what. For example, the Exabytes Group, the largest website hosting provider in Malaysia is still using Email Marketing!

So now the question is how can we make sure that the emails you send are opened, read, and acted on?

#1 Good Email Subject Lines

Email subject lines are what your recipients see before they open your emails. You must understand that your email will be competing with hundreds of other emails/e-newsletters as many of us subscribe to quite a number of newsletters from different companies at the same time. To grab the attention of your readers, the quality of your Email Subject Line is what makes all the difference.
For examples, if you offer 50% off for ABC package, which of the following subjects would you choose?

Subject 1: Grab 50% OFF For Our ABC Package!

Subject 2: How to Pay RM500 LESS for ABC Package!

Obviously, subject 2 creates more curiosity and is able to grab readers’ attention. On the other hand, subject 1 is less attention grabbing. At the same time, you also want to avoid email subject lines that sound too spammy such as the following:

“FREE! Grab 50% OFF & FREE Gift NOW!”

To write effective email subject lines that get opened, simply read more articles on how to write good email subject lines.

#2 Punctuation

A sentence without any punctuation is not good because nobody understands the tone and emotion of your message. Using the right punctuation marks in your subject line can show some excitement/emotion to the readers!

#3 Use Capital Letters

Use capital letters appropriately! While FULL UPPERCASE subject lines can draw attention, it can also indicate anger, and some of your recipients might not like it. A more tolerable use of capital letters is to use Title Case, for example, “What is Email Marketing?”

On the other hand, using Sentence case (“What is email marketing?”) in your subject lines can give your readers a feeling of being more casual and informal, which can be useful sometimes.

#4 Use short subject lines

Every day, the number of mobile users is increasing rapidly, and more and more people are checking their emails on smart phones. Try to keep your subject lines more direct and less wordy. Your goal is to get readers to open your emails! 60 characters or less usually does the magic.

#5 Quality Relevant Content

Always remember to match your goal with your content. The content of your email should depend on the immediate goal of the email. For example, if the primary goal is to give information, forget about sales pitches and stick to your main topic. In this case, short sentences and paragraphs are preferred.
NOTE: Make sure your email message is directly related to the subject line. Not only is this good for your credibility, it will prevent your email from going to the “Junk” or “Spam” folder!

 #6. Always End with a Call-to-Action Phrase


Every email you send should have a specific goal or desired outcome. What exactly do you want your readers to do? Do you want them to buy something, opt-in to register for a webinar, or simply read a blog post?

If you don’t tell your readers, or stress to them in the end of the message, some of them might not figure it out themselves. Thus it’s always wise to make it clear to your readers before you end your email!


Orange and red are popular call-to-action phrase/button colours. You could also use standard text with a blue underlined hyperlink or fancier graphical based images.

This wraps up “6 BEST Practices for Email Marketing”. Do you have what it takes to be a good email marketer? We are sure you do!

Lastly, we hope you enjoyed and learned something new from this blog post. Thank you for reading.
Stay tuned for more!
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