Showing posts with label Coral Triangle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coral Triangle. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Your US$5 will go a long way towards saving the Coral Triangle..


What is the Coral Triangle and why does it need my $5?


What is the Coral Triangle and why does it need my $5? profile image 

The Coral Triangle feeds 120 million people and has the highest concentration of coral species in the world. Support WWF's MYCoralTriangle Campaign: Help save the Coral Triangle and save your seafood with just US$5

Stories From the Coral Triangle

Turtles, migrating wizards of the deep
As you read this, thousands of marine turtles are making their way across the Coral Triangle’s oceans, following currents, nibbling at corals, grazing on seagrass, or seeking a partner.

Trouble on the Reef
14 years ago, WRI concluded that our coral reefs were in a worrying condition from reckless human behaviour. Now, things remain sadly grim for the Coral Triangle, despite a sliver of hope.

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