Showing posts with label Online Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Marketing. Show all posts

Sunday, May 27, 2018

EasyHits4U 101 - Quick Guide for Beginners

EasyHits4U is one the most prominent online marketing programs on the Web. Over 1,447,000 members joined our program during the last twelve years.
But how does it work? What can you achieve on EasyHits4U? EasyHits4U 101 answers these questions and many others. The goal of this quick guide is to get you up to speed on how to get the maximum benefit from your EasyHits4U membership.

What is EasyHits4U?

EasyHits4U is the most popular traffic exchange program on the Web with over 1,447,000 registered members. Our program allows you to promote your own sites, referral/affiliate links from other programs, banner and text ads to other registered members, and build your own downline here. We have delivered large volumes of traffic to our members' sites since 2003.
As you probably know, new traffic exchanges pop up every day, but the EasyHits4U traffic exchange is still growing rapidly and becoming more and more popular in the online marketing world. So what makes us so popular and why do so many people keep coming back to this website? You will find the answers as you read this quick guide.

How does it work?

For every site you visit (we call this "surfing"), you will receive one visitor back to your site. We provide a fair 1:1 exchange ratio. There's no limit to the amount of free hits you can receive per day — 10, 100, or even 1,000.

While surfing, you earn credits and receive bonuses on each prize page (credits, banner and text ad impressions, cash, Premium days, surf drawing tickets). Each credit you earn can be exchanged for one visitor to your page. Other terms will be explained below. 

The Most Popular Traffic Exchange

Install our browser extension and receive 25% larger bonuses from prize pages, as well as other bonuses.

You can also convert credits into banner and text ad impressions on the "Conversions" page and assign them to your banners and text ads.
You can request payout to your account as soon as you earn the minimum of $3.00. You can also convert earned cash into credits, impressions, or Premium Days at any time.

What can you do on EasyHits4U?

  • Promote your own sites and referral links from other programs you use.
  • Promote your banners and text ads to other members.
  • Add your links to our reciprocal Links Directory.
  • Submit your articles to our Articles section, and much more.

Can I earn some cash with EasyHits4U?

  • We pay you $0.10 for every person you refer who surfs 100 or more sites.
  • You will earn commissions of up to 40% from all purchases of Easy Splash Builder and Easy Rotator tools made by your first level referrals.
Don't forget that you can promote moneymaking programs and build your downline in our traffic exchange as well.
Please note that EasyHits4U is not a moneymaking machine. The site is designed as a traffic exchange, and the bonus that members receive for surfing is simply an added benefit. The site is not designed to encourage people to work full time to make money.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Your Divine Biz Gifts!!!

I was just invited to be part of this great joint venture with a TON of ebooks, meditations and fabulous self-improvement gifts, all geared specifically to the spiritual entrepreneur.

This JV is expected to get me a whole lot of new subscribers to my list in just a few days. Who knows, up to 1,000 (or even more!) new people!

The promotion will have thousands of visitors in just a few days. So the exposure will be great.

The promoters, Rev. Anne Presuel & Sherry Bowers, have asked me if I knew anyone that would want to participate in this venture...

Since I know YOU also have a site that could work with this, you were one of the first people I thought of.

I think you will really like what they are doing here and I know you will jump on board like I did ASAP.

To get the "by Invite Only" private JV details, just go here.

There is only a few days to get involved.


Tri Brodyr Resources

They made it so easy. It's all dynamic. You set the text and logo's yourself. It is automatically and
instantly added to the sales pages and members area.

 A Fabulous Joint Venture...
specifically for Spirit-led Entrepreneurs!
Here's a perfect opportunity to grow your
opt-in list quickly and easily!
Let US do all the work for you while you relax
and watch your list grow and grow!
 Join us for this Invite-Only Joint Venture Giveaway that will help you
grow your targeted email list and get you in front of your ideal prospective clients,
easily and effortlessly!
We have created this extraordinary joint venture - only for spiritual entrepreneurs - that is going to help you:
    • grow your email list quickly and easily;
    • get in front of your target audience, so they can learn all about how fantastic you are;
    • gain visibility, so people know you, like you and trust you (remember that's the reason people hire you!);
    • be seen as the expert in your field, so you get new opportunities and offers; and
    • make fabulous new connections!
    You will be delighted when you see how easy it's going to be for you to participate. So easy, that we do almost all the work for you!
    And the best part is...
    It will only take you ten minutes - that's it!
    You only have to spend about 10 minutes sending a quick email to your list and offer them a simple "thank you gift" for being one of your subscribers. That's it. That's all you have to do.
    By doing this you will guarantee your subscribers are totally satisfied because you're giving them something very valuable as a free gift (which will ensure that they remain loyal, and interested in hearing what you have to offer them when they receive your future emails)!

    This is a win/win deal...
    • Your subscribers win, because they get a bunch of fabulous gifts for free.
    • You win, because you get a bunch of fresh new subscribers who are interested in you and your products and services!
    You know that as you build your spiritual business, the connection with your list is essential. You also know that as you build your spiritual business, having a strong, healthy list is essential to the health and wealth of your business.

    When you team up with us, you get the chance to build your list with wonderful potential clients and customers. Quickly. Easily.

    Imagine Getting Six Months' Worth
    of List Growth in Just Days!

    Friday, August 14, 2015

    Pay Per Lead (PPL) RM2? Limited Time Only!!!

    Ramai orang tanya saya bagaimana saya boleh buat duit dengan hanya menghantar emel?

    Caranya amat senang!

    Saya kumpul list melalui PPL dan opt-in di beberapa siri produk/website saya. Selepas list telah dikumpul saya akan mencari dan tinjau mana program affiliate yang sesuai dengan niche saya. Lepas itu, saya akan broadcast mesej kepada semua subscriber tersebut. Jika ada jualan hasil, saya akan dapat komisyen.

    Begitulah cara saya membuat duit melalui hantar emel. Nampak senang?

    Yang penting adalah mana dapat list? Ramai terkandas disini. Hari ini saya mahu tunjuk salah satu cara mengumpul list berkualiti dan cepat!


    Ini adalah satu program Pay per lead dimana agen affiliate boleh daftar dan promosi untuk laman web tersebut dan mendapat komisyen apabila pelawat yang dibawa oleh anda sign-up di tempat yang disediakan. Ya, keunikkan adalah mereka tidak semestinya bayar sesuatu anda juga layak mendapat komisyen!

    Ini adalah dipanggil PPL.

    Sekian ini sahaja perkongsian dari saya pada hari ini.


    Tri Brodyr

    P/S : Program ini menawarkan PPL dengan kadar RM1 atau RM2 berserta bonus lain. Sila daftar sebagai agen affiliate melalui link berikut:

    Marilah Jadi Rakan Niaga Niaga Hari ini!

    Berjuta-juta orang melayari internet setiap hari untuk mencari penyelesaian bagi masalah mereka terutamanya isu berkaitan kesihatan dan kewangan. Masyarakat pada umumnya buntu dan tidak tahu memulakan sesuatu bisnes yang hanya memerlukan modal yang amat sedikit.

    Mahukah anda menjadi agen affiliate dan menjana pendapatan tambahan?

    Untuk pengetahuan anda, adalah antara perniagaan online yang membuka peluang pemasaran affiliate dengan kadar komisyen yang tinggi!

    Mengapa adalah satu program affiliate dimana anda tidak perlu memerlukan sesen untuk bermula. Anda boleh mendaftar sebagai agen affiliate dan boleh mula menpromosi website serta merta.
    Tidak seperti program affiliate lain. Kami bukan sahaja menjaminkan bayaran komisyen penuh tetapi juga bertujuan memimpin dan mendidik mereka yang mahu memulakan sesuatu yang besar di bidang pemasaran online. Khususnya suri rumah, pelajar atau orang baru yang ingin menceburi bisnes ini.

    Apa Itu Rakan Niaga

    Program Affiliate adalah sebuah program pemasaran produk oleh agen berdaftar di mana agen akan dibayar komisyen ke atas setiap jualan hasil daripada promosi mereka.
    Dengan berdaftar sebagai agen affiliate, anda akan diberikan sebuah link seperti:
    Anda boleh memberikan link anda itu kepada pelanggan berpotensi. Dan anda akan dibayar komisyen setiap kali pelanggan tersebut melakukan perkara berikut:
    • Sign-up percuma (PPL) atau
    • Upgrade pakej berbayar (PPS)
    Berserta link tersebut, anda juga diberikan banners dan tool-tool promosi yang lain untuk anda post di laman sosial milik anda seperti Facebook, Blog, Web atau mana-mana medium online lain.
    Sistem Affiliate akan menyimpan semua data pembelian daripada para pelanggan anda dan pada masa yang sama anda juga akan menerima laporan pembelian yang berjaya oleh pelanggan anda pada setiap kali melalui emel anda.
    Ini membolehkan anda menyemak jumlah jualan yang dibuat oleh link affiliate anda dan mengira jumlah komisyen yang akan anda perolehi.
    Komisyen anda akan dibayar secara bulanan terus ke akaun bank anda atau melalui cek terus kepada anda.

    Bagaimana Untuk Menjadi Rakan Affiliate?

    Syarat untuk menjadi rakan affiliate adalah senang dan mudah. Anda boleh mulakan serta merta dengan mengikut langkah berikut:
    1.  Anda berdaftar sebagai agen affiliate 
    2.  Kami akan berikan link untuk anda promosi.
    3. Anda boleh post banner produk berserta link anda pada laman sosial milik anda seperti Facebook, blog, web dan sebagainya.
    4. Pengunjung sign-up sebagai agen affiliate
    5. Anda mendapat komisyen jualan!

    Itu saja ! Mudah, bukan ?! menggunakan konsep single level marketing atau pemasaran 1 aras sahaja. Ini bermaksud anda menjana keuntungan atas jualan anda sendiri. Bukan menjana keuntungan atas penyertaan ahli dan seumpamanya.

    Bolehkah Saya Berjaya Sebagai Rakan Affiliate

    Pasti Boleh! Malah Sesiapapun Boleh!

    Hal ini bergantung kepada anda sendiri dan kami di sini untuk memberi peluang kepada anda.
    Kami menyediakan rangkaian pendidikan yang tepat dan sokongan yang anda perlukan. Selebihnya bergantung kepada anda!
    Terdapat banyak peluang dan kelebihan jika anda menjadi agen affiliate Selain anda mendapat komisyen yang tinggi dengan mempromosikan, anda juga berpeluang mendapat pelbagai insentif lain mempelajari pelbagai ilmu perniagaan internet, membina perniagaan sendiri, dan mencapai kejayaan dengan perniagaan anda sendiri. Menyediakan Peluang Ini Untuk Anda!

    Anda tidak rugi menyertai kami sebagai agen Affiliate Sebaliknya anda berpeluang untuk :
    • Berjaya menghasilkan jualan yang banyak dan mendapat komisyen tinggi setiap bulan.
    • Memperbaiki tahap kewangan secara keseluruhannya
    • Belajar ilmu perniagaan internet yang dicari-cari selama ini dan membina perniagaan sendiri.
    • Dengan senarai yang tertulis di atas jelaslah bahawa anda tidak mengalami kerugian apa-apa pun meskipun mungkin anda tidak berjaya menghasilkan jualan.
    • Walau bagaimanapun kami tidak mahu anda gagal mendapat komisyen. Disebabkan itu kami telah merancang pelbagai strategi bagi membantu anda menghasilkan jualan.
    • Hanya mengajak rakan sign-up tanpa membeli apa-apa sudah layak mendapat komisyen.
    Tahniah kepada admin kerana telah mencipta sistem PPL yg hebat ni.. tak pernah lagi saya jumpa program affiliate seperti ini.. anda boleh sertai dengan PERCUMA sahaja iaitu zero modal.. tetapi berpeluang menjana pendapatan sampingan secara online dengan mudah.. program ini semua untuk semua level dari Newbie hingga advance ..

    Terbaik... saya baru sahaja mendaftar dan tidak sampai 6 jam telah ada 2 orang yang sign-up melalui link yang saya promosikan... moga lebih ramai yang akan mendaftar lagi... dalam masa terdekat...

    Teuku Abdul Muthalib
    Program affiiliate adalah paling ideal untuk sesiapa sahaja yang sedang tercari-cari alternatif sumber pendapatan, atau yang sedang berfikir untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan tetap di pejabat, ibu dan bapa yang mahu meluangkan lebih banyak masa dengan anak-anak, golongan pelajar yang mahu mencari pendapatan sampingan pada masa lapang dan sesiapa sahaja yang mahu membantu orang lain.

    Rebutlah Peluang Ini Sementara Pendaftaran Agen Affiliate Masih Dibuka!

    Pendaftaran agen affiliate adalah PERCUMA atau bayaran serendah RM20 untuk melayakkan diri merebut komisyen sebanyak RM1.00 walaupun orang yang dibawakan oleh anda tidak upgrade di Walaubagaimanapun, anda masih mempunyai pilihan untuk pakej yang lebih lumayan. Ini adalah pilihan anda.
    Tujuan kami adalah untuk memastikan individu yang benar-benar serius dan mempunyai komitmen yang yang tinggi untuk menjadi sebahagian rakan niaga Affiliate Ini kerana kami mengeluarkan perbelanjaan yang tinggi memberi latihan dan tunjuk ajar kepada semua rakan Affiliate kami.
    Amat berbaloi untuk anda menyertai Program Affiliate, kerana tanpa modal awal yang perlu anda keluarkan untuk mendaftar sebagai rakan Affiliate kami. Apabila 


    Yang Ihklas,
    Tri Brodyr Resources

    Friday, March 13, 2015

    Have a Winning Mind Set

    It's very easy to make money with Ad Click Xpress!

    You can start with just $10.

    Every weekday and weekend, you can earn up to $0.20 for each and every Ad Package. You can log in and see your daily sales commissions.

    No sponsoring requirements. Viewing a few websites per day is all that is necessary.

    Daily withdrawals to get your money out.

    Revolutionary breakthrough makes Ad Click Xpress indefinitely sustainable!

    If you do sponsor people, you will generate a 10% referral bonuses on your first level, and 5% on your second.

    If so far you have made little or no money online, despite trying for months or even years, then you now have a great opportunity to change your finances for the better:
    Ad Click Xpress<---join br="" here="" now="" style="background-color: #fbfbfb; color: #666666; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 24px;">This may be the easiest and best way to make money online that you will ever find.

    If you currently have a "loser mindset," then you can start changing that by starting to make money despite your mindset.
    You can win, even if you have a loser mindset. And the experience of winning can start changing your mindset.
    One indication that you might have a loser mindset, is if you don't even try.
    Another indication that you might have a loser mindset is if you sign up, and then don't buy any Ad Packages.

    Yet another indication that you might have a loser mindset is if you try only half-heartedly and then give up easily.
    If you have a loser mindset, you may be able to change it to a winner mindset with the Ad Click Xpress intriguing products.

    The first step is to start taking ACTIONS that make you win:
    Ad Click Xpress
    Here’s to your success,

    Top 15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List

    Email marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits!
    The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission-based email list. Marketers call contact lists their 'goldmine' because it can generate much of their sales revenue. If you've built up a list of opt-in subscribers that are qualified and interested in what you have to offer, then you've completed the first step and are on your way. Now it's time to 'mine' for gold!
    Below you'll find several list-building and retention ideas that will help you get the best results from all your email marketing activities:
    1. Provide useful, relevant content. Your visitors will not give you their email addresses just because they can subscribe to your newsletter free of charge. You have to provide unique and valuable information that will be of interest or use to them.
    2. Add a subscription form to every page on your website. Make sure it stands out so it is easy to find. If it doesn't look cluttered, you may want to include more than one on some pages. For instance, if your opt-in form always appears in the top-left corner of your site, you may want to add one at the end of your most popular articles.
    3. Add subscription forms to your social media pages. Make sure that you don't waste this valuable source of revenue opportunities. Integrate your sign-up forms with Facebook and more!
    4. Make it easy for readers to sign up. The more information you request, the fewer people will opt-in. In most cases, a name and an email address should suffice. If it's not necessary, don't include it here. You can always survey them once they're customers! We do recommend that you provide a link to your Privacy Policy however.
    5. Publish a Privacy Policy. Let your readers know that they can be confident you will not share their information with others. The easiest way to do this is to set up a Privacy Policy web page and provide the link to it below your opt-in form. (Note: If you don't have one, put the words 'privacy policy generator' into a search engine and you should be able to find a suitable form to use.)
    6. Provide samples of your newsletters and Ezines. This lets potential subscribers review your materials before they sign up to determine if it's something they'd be interested in.
    7. Archive past newsletters and articles. An online library of past newsletters and articles is both appealing and useful to visitors and builds your credibility as an authority. In addition, if your articles are written with good SEO techniques in mind, they can increase traffic to your website through enhanced search engine positioning.
    8. Give gifts subscribers can actually use. Offer an opt-in bonus for joining your subscriber list! Write an ebook or provide a PDF business report, or even hire a programmer to create downloadable or web-based software. But don't limit yourself to offering gifts to opt-ins. Give them out when your readers fill out a survey, provide a testimonial, success story, or a great product idea. Let them know when they can expect the next gift offer. Everyone likes to get something for free! And if you pass out 'goodies' throughout the year, your subscribers will feel truly appreciated − and that's good for business!
    9. Ask your subscribers to pass it on. Word of mouth is a powerful viral technique that works great with email marketing. If your subscribers find your content interesting, amusing or informative, they'll probably share it with their friends. This can be a great source of new customers, so make sure to remind them to 'pass it on'.
    10. Let others reprint your newsletter as long as the content is not modified. If you're happy to share your content with the universe, then why not! Many webmasters and newsletter publishers are actively looking for high-quality content and, if they reprint your newsletter, you'll get new subscribers, and more traffic and links pointing to your site.
    11. Include a 'Sign Up' button in your newsletter. If you're using plain text instead of HTML, be sure to provide a text link to your subscription page. You may feel that this is not required because the subscriber is already on your list, but remember that readers will forward your newsletters to others, or reprint them online. Make it easy for them to subscribe!
    12. Add a squeeze page. A squeeze page has one goal − to acquire opt-ins and build your list. Think of it as a mini-sales letter to go along with your subscription or opt-in gift. It should feature a strong headline and a couple of powerful benefits that should make subscribers salivate to sign up! Once created, use a service such as WordTracker to find hundreds of targeted keywords, and promote your offer using pay-per-click advertising from Google, MSN and Yahoo. Now that should make a splash!
    13. Include testimonials on your squeeze page. This is crucial. Put one or two strong testimonials from satisfied customers on your squeeze page. This can be in any format, but you may find that multimedia (audio or video) is more 'believable' and inspires more people to action. To further enhance believability, get permission to use actual customer names, locations and/or urls (Don't use 'Bob K, FL'). Add a note inviting others to participate. After all, it's free publicity!
    14. Blog religiously. Blogging is a great way to communicate with prospects and potential customers, and creates a nice synergy with your email marketing. Be sure to include your newsletter sign-up form on each page of your blog. You can start a free blog at Blogger or WordPress.
    15. Post on other blogs. Post thoughtful comments and information on similar blogs with a link to your squeeze or opt-in pages. Also comment on others' blogs through trackbacks. In most cases, your comments will be posted on their blogs with a link back to your site. This is an easy way to generate new traffic and subscribers, and get your brand out there!

    Monday, February 9, 2015

    Marketing Your Business Online

    If you are not already marketing your business online, it is time to start. Although there are a few exceptions, just about every business can benefit from online marketing. There are just so many advantages to this type of marketing. First of all, it is extremely affordable to market your business online. Other advantages to marketing your business online include the ability to reach a large target audience, the ability to reach potential customers all over the world and the ability to customize the marketing for different sectors of the target audience.

    The affordability of Internet marketing is one of many reasons why many business owners are turning to the Internet for advertising. Advertising online is incredibly affordable especially when you consider how many potential customers a business owner can reach with an online marketing campaign. Most methods of online advertising are quite affordable and some of them do not have any direct costs. For example, you may choose to market your business online by participating in industry forums and posting links to your website whenever it is appropriate to do so. In this case the cost of creating and maintaining the website is insignificant in comparison to the number of potential clients you could reach through online marketing. Additionally, the costs associated with posting links to your website are incidental. You could consider the cost of having access to the Internet as part of the cost but you most likely require Internet access for other reasons as well so it is completely worthwhile.

    Reaching a large target audience is another very worthwhile reason for marketing your business online. You may have spent a great deal of time and energy doing market research and determine who your target audience is. You may have also spent a great deal of time trying to figure out the best way to reach this audience. This is a very sound marketing principle but as it applies to marketing on local television, radio and print media it only allows you to reach a limited audience. However, when you take your marketing to the Internet you automatically drastically increase your potential target audience because you now have the ability to reach members of your target audience around the world.

    This ability to reach customers around the world is another major advantage to marketing your business online. Regardless of where you live and operate your business, you have the ability to reach those who have an interest in the products you sell or the services you provide no matter where they live. This makes it possible for you to do business with customers around the world.

    Likewise the fact that the Internet is available 24 hours a day is also very beneficial to those who choose to market their products or services online. Shopping for products and services in person can be very difficult especially for individuals who work long hours or those who work unusual hours. These working conditions make it difficult for these individuals to do business and make purchases of products and services they need during regular business hours. However, business owners who have an online presence are much more convenient because unlike stores and calling centers, the website never closes. This convenience gives potential customers the ability to view products and services, compare these products and services to the ones offered by competitors and make a purchase at any hour of any day.

    If you are a business owner who is reading this article and you do not already have a strong online presence, you need to immediately start learning more about the world of Internet marketing. This is so important because if your competitors are marketing online, you may find they are gaining a steady advantage and are becoming more appealing to potential customers. Before too many of your potential customers become loyal customers of the competition it is time to start figuring out how you can market your business online and keep up with the competition. 

    Sales & Marketing Pro
    The Most Popular Traffic Exchange