Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Papa Pear Saga

by Peter Willington

A pear? A peach

Product: Papa Pear Saga |  
Developer: King |  
Publisher: King | 
Format: Android | 
Genre: Casual, Puzzle |  
Players: 1 |  
Networking: wireless (network) | 
Version: Europe

Once upon a time, Angry Birds ruled the roost when it came to smartphone games. Today the undisputed king is Candy Crush Saga from (rather fittingly) a company called King.

Papa Pear Saga is the studio's latest offering, and it's yet another casual confection that has, we can only assume, been painstakingly engineered by a team of game scientists to induce maximum addiction.

I've been tasked with playing it over the course of the next seven days and then telling you whether it deserves a place on your mobile or tablet of choice.

First impressions

I'm already hopelessly addicted to Papa Pear Saga.

Let's make no bones about it - Papa Pear Saga is King's take on Peggle, albeit given a few more social hooks and a freemium tweak. This is totally fine by me, as Peggle is one of the best games ever made.

You launch Papa Pears at small fruit bits arranged on a board, and they bounce about on these in much the same way that the steels balls bounce from the pins in a pachinko machine. The difference here is that these pegs will be removed from play after a certain number of hits, adding to your points total.

You can fire three Papa Pears on the screen at once, and you're only able to fire another after one of them reaches the bottom of the screen and drops into a pot waiting to swallow it up.

But just because you can only fire three Papa Pears, that doesn't mean only three will be on the board at any one time. A number of Boosters are on-hand to multiply the balls on the screen, or grow those balls to an enormous size, or surround them in fire to make their hit range even wider.

There are also additional, much more powerful bonuses that will change the way you approach a table. The Cherry Bomb, for example, can be placed and detonated to remove particularly pesky pegs that you just can't seem to reach.

To finish a stage you need to meet a set objective and score enough points. Clear a number of Acorns, get one Papa Pear into each pot, bring all the large fruits to the bottom of the screen - there's a good variety of things to do in Papa Pear Saga, and you'll have to think about the layout of each table to succeed.

The physics of the Papa Pear "balls" don't appear to be as realistic Peggle's, but they are absolutely as consistent. The gameplay is an even balance of luck and skill: you make chances for yourself and minimize the risk of an unlucky failure through careful aiming and good judgement.

IAPs explained
Gold Bars are the premium currency and cost £1.49 / $1.99 for 20 of them. They're spent on power ups and adding a few more Papa Pears to your stock should you run out. These purchases can be costly, with a set of three Papa Fire costing a whopping 19 Gold Bars. These elements aren't essential for progress, but it certainly makes levels easier.

You also have a maximum of five lives before you need to either ask friends for more, or wait a set amount of time to gain them back, or buy a full set for 12 Gold Bars. You only lose a life if you fail a stage though.
All of which has me hooked. So if you don't mind I'll end today's update here and get back to the game.

Day 3: Five a day

A crucial element of Papa Pear Saga is its adorable presentation, and how this feeds into the overall excitement and enthusiasm it creates.

Here's a typical scenario: you finally hit the last Acorn you need to complete a tricky level, and the Papa Pear drops into a smiling pot below. As soon as this happens, a squeaky voice yells “Papa Fiesta”, and a shower of rainbows bursts out of said pot while fireworks explode in the background.

Then an infinitely cheery soundtrack kicks in, a scoreboard pops up, and a little green blob of a man begins to dance for joy.

Its positivity is infectious, but not sickening. It's sweet without being saccharine.

Making the experience even better is the fact that when you return to the large challenge map you can compare your score with your friends' - as long as you've signed into the game via Facebook

There's nothing in this life more satisfying than finishing a tough level and seeing that you're ahead of Chris James on the scoreboard. Nothing.

The only drawback I've experienced so far is that I'm occasionally prevented from playing because I've lost too many lives on a harder stage. The wait is agonisingly long if you don't want to pay for more lives, do it's best to confine your sessions to commutes and toilet visits.

The game has been phenomenal fun so far, and that shows no signs of changing. King might just have a real winner on its hands.

Day 7: Keeping the doctor away

Today I combined a giant Papa Pear with a Papa Fire power-up to create a destructive force of titanic proportions. In doing so I beat a level that has had me perplexed for the last hour. Today has been a good day.

When I'm not playing Papa Pear Saga I can't stop thinking about how to beat the next level without resorting to the paid power-ups on offer. So far I haven't encountered a single area I can't beat without spending a dime, but the power-ups are there if I want to splash out and get past a particularly tough stage.

Crucially, there's no great pressure to spend, if that's not something you're interested in doing. Each level is a puzzle to work out, and if you're skilled at the game you'll make progress.

In this way it answers many of the criticisms players might have about its more luck-based match-three stablemate Candy Crush Saga, and this allows the joyous presentation to shine through that much brighter.

The anti-free-to-play crowd will no doubt immediately dismiss Papa Pear Saga before they've played it as, “Peggle with in-app purchases”. They don't know what they're missing out on.

This is as essential an experience for the everyday mobile gamer as Candy Crush Saga is, and - just like that game - it will assuredly have a place on your phone for months and months to come.

How are you getting on with the game? You can tell us and the rest of the PG community about your experiences by leaving a comment in the box below. Click here to learn about our free-to-play review policy.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Personal Development: The Power To Succeed by Dr. Joe Rubino

Create a Structure For Personal Development: Evaluate Your Progress on a Regular Basis

As human beings, we are in a constant state of flux – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Life presents us with a never ending opportunity to put ourselves into personal  development.  What we do with each of these opportunities presented to us is entirely up to us. Daily, we are offered a choice. We can either respond to life’s challenges by resisting them or by embracing them. Taking on the course of personal growth and development means that we have put ourselves on the path of examining who we are today and who we choose to be tomorrow, all the while evaluating how we’re doing along the way. If we are not climbing the mountain of self-improvement, then we are sliding down the hill of  decay. There is no standing still.

The decision to make each day an opportunity to take on some area of personal development  means we have committed ourselves to the challenge of continual and never ending improvement in some aspect of our lives. In order to support our commitment to constant growth, it can be helpful to put into place a structure to focus on what’s going on in our world. Such a structure must involve a means to get feedback on what is working, what is not working and what needs to be put into place that is now missing in order to grow to the next level in any particular arena.

Some possible areas of personal development might involve working on any of the following qualities:

    Being calm and centered
    Not reacting
    Being organized and focused
    Being at peace
    Having genuine humility
    Choosing interpretations that support or empower you
    Having greater physical energy
    Working on your health and appearance
    Having integrity
    Exuding charisma
    Showing confidence
    Being an inspiration to yourself and others
    Allowing yourself  to be vulnerable
    Showing emotion
    Not showing emotion when it does not serve you
    Being sensitive
    Being consistent or persistent
    Being coachable or teachable
    Being happy
    Having a good self image
    Trusting your intuition
    Developing empathy
    Being self motivated
    Able to make and keep commitments
    Able to be told anything without reacting
    Being a good listener
    Able to make the most of any situation
    Able to have fun
    Coming across authentically to others
    Having discipline
    Willing to sacrifice for the future
    Speaking from the heart
    Living your vision
    Supporting others
    Championing others to greatness
    Exuding Enthusiasm
    Being Inspirational
    Being vulnerable
    Having Compassion
    Possessing a positive attitude
    Choosing to have positive expectations in life
    Communicating effectively

In addition, you might choose to develop the following qualities in yourself in relation to others:
    Listening for what it’s like to be in the other person’s situation
    Listening for how to contribute to or support others
    Listening for mutuality or common ground
    Listening for what others have to contribute to you
    Being Able to bond with others
    Possessing the ability to work well in partnership with others
    Being happy to serve
    Being willing to be of contribution
    Being interested in others
    Being interested in finding solutions that work for everyone
    Not interrupting
    Able to impact people positively
    Being a team player

In order to enhance your personal power, you will need to create some structure so as to develop whatever qualities you decide to take on.

Some possible structures include:

A- Hiring a mentor to coach you in putting into place whatever is missing around those qualities you seek to develop.

B- Rating yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 after each interaction you have with another person, regarding how successful  you were in implementing the quality you are working on. Look at what worked ,what was missing, and what you need to put into place next time to be more effective in the area you are developing.

C- Keeping a journal detailing your daily intended result in your chosen area of development. Again, record both what worked and what was missing.

D- Asking others for feedback. You might say something  like, “I am working on the quality of…becoming more charismatic,  a better listener, more powerful in my communication, developing an appreciation of what it’s like in the other person’s world…etc.. Could you give me some feedback on how I came across for you?”

Your commitment to put yourself in research around which qualities would most impact who you are in the world as well as your willingness to create a structure in supporting these commitments will do much toward increasing your personal power.

Creating A Structure To Support Your Development:

1) Make a list of all of the qualities you like about yourself.

2) Make a list of all of the qualities you dislike about yourself.

3) List at least 5 qualities that you would be willing to further develop in yourself.

4) Create a structure for developing these qualities.

At the end of each day, week, and month ask yourself the following questions to quantify how you did in the areas of your personal development:

1)What did you learn about yourself and about others?

2)In what ways were you effective in your interactions with others?

3)What was missing in your interactions that if put in place would make you more effective?

Dr. Joe Rubino is an internationally acclaimed trainer, author, success coach and the CEO of The Center For Personal Reinvention, an organization that provides personal and group coaching as well as productivity and leadership development courses. He was featured on the cover of Success Magazine and in the cover story, We Create Millionaires, because of his ability to champion others to succeed. Joe is the author of the best sellers, Secrets of Building a Million Dollar Network Marketing Organization from a Guy Who’s Been There, Done That and Shows You How To Do It Too, The Magic Lantern: A Fable about Leadership, Personal Excellence, and Empowerment, and, most recently, The Power To Succeed: 30 Principles For Maximizing Your Personal Effectiveness, Book I and The Power To Succeed: More Principles For Powerful Living, Book II. For information about The Center for Personal Reinvention and its services or to order any of Dr. Rubino’s books, visit Center For Personal Reinvention. To contact Dr. Joe about the possibility of hiring him as your personal success coach, email: or call 800-999-9551 ext 870.

Some possible areas of personal development might involve working on any of the following qualities:

  • Being calm and centered
  • Not reacting
  • Being organized and focused
  • Being at peace
  • Having genuine humility
  • Choosing interpretations that support or empower you
  • Having greater physical energy
  • Working on your health and appearance
  • Having integrity
  • Exuding charisma
  • Showing confidence
  • Being an inspiration to yourself and others
  • Allowing yourself  to be vulnerable
  • Showing emotion
  • Not showing emotion when it does not serve you
  • Being sensitive
  • Being consistent or persistent
  • Being coachable or teachable
  • Being happy
  • Having a good self image
  • Trusting your intuition
  • Developing empathy
  • Being self motivated
  • Able to make and keep commitments
  • Able to be told anything without reacting
  • Being a good listener
  • Able to make the most of any situation
  • Able to have fun
  • Coming across authentically to others
  • Having discipline
  • Willing to sacrifice for the future
  • Speaking from the heart
  • Living your vision
  • Supporting others
  • Championing others to greatness
  • Exuding Enthusiasm
  • Being Inspirational
  • Being vulnerable
  • Having Compassion
  • Possessing a positive attitude
  • Choosing to have positive expectations in life
  • Communicating effectively
- See more at:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Atasi Masalah Bosan di Pejabat...


Kita semua pernah mengalami rasa bosan di pejabat. Ia bukan bermakna bosan kerana tiada kerja, tetapi lebih kepada rasa jemu bergelumang dengan perkara yang sama setiap hari. Ada hari-hari yang kita berasa masa sangat lambat berjalan. Banyak kajian menunjukkan bahawa kebosanan di pejabat boleh menyebabkan pekerja menjadi kurang waras, walaupun mereka adalah pekerja yang cemerlang. Mereka terdorong untuk meletakkan jawatan, mensabotaj rakan sekerja, mengabaikan kerja-kerja berkumpulan dan sengaja menggagalkan sesuatu tugasan. Ini adalah sangat serius.

“Apabila pekerja berasa bosan, mereka akan terdorong untuk menarik diri.” Kata Richard Chaifetz, seorang pakar psikologi dan CEO ComPsych, sebuah syarikat yang memberi bantuan konsultansi kepada para pekerja. “Risikonya boleh menjadi terlampau – kurang produktiviti, kesalahan yang sangat signifikan dan pelbagai insiden lagi.” Mari kita lihat bagaimana hendak memberi kesegaran pada diri dan bagaimana hendak menjadikan hari-hari anda lebih menarik di pejabat.

1.    Mulakan hari dengan lebih bersemangat
Respon emosi kita terhadap aktiviti seharian banyak terpengaruh dengan cara kita memulakan hari-hari kita. Sambil bersiap ke tempat kerja atau dalam perjalanan, kita boleh mendengar siaran radio-radio yang segar, kecoh dan bermotivasi. Contohnya untuk mereka yang beragama Islam, mulakan hari anda dengan solat Subuh yang akan menyegarkan permulaan hari. Solat adalah satu kerehatan dan mengecas semula segala emosi dan kepenatan fizikal.
Tidur awal juga dapat membantu permulaan hari yang baik. Jika anda mudah berasa penat, apa kata anda amalkan makanan kesihatan yang dapat menambah nutrisi untuk saraf. Berfikir secara positif dan berdoa kepada Tuhan supaya diberi kemudahan dalam urusan seharian. Ini kerana doa memberi pengharapan pada diri kita, seperti kita sedia maklum, harapan yang kita letak akan memberi satu semangat baru untuk meneruskan kehidupan.

2.    Jadikan stesen kerja anda lebih produktif
Percaya atau tidak, stesen kerja anda juga memainkan peranan penting terhadap emosi anda. Perubahan seperti meletakkan pokok kecil atau dekorasi ringkas akan membuatkan anda rasa lebih selesa. Benda-benda hidup seperti pokok dan mini akuarium dapat membantu memberi tenaga baru. Jangan risau, banyak contoh-contoh haiwan dan tumbuhan yang ‘mesra stesen kerja’ yang boleh anda google di Internet.

Aksesori seperti magnet bar juga boleh diletakkan, biasanya berunsurkan kata-kata motivasi atau tempat-tempat yang dilawati. Aksesori sebegini akan menambah keceriaan di stesen kerja anda. Banyak lagi yang boleh dipelbagaikan bagi menghidupkan stesen kerja anda, tetapi jangan sampai terlalu penuh hingga kelihatan semak pula ya!

3.    Atasi kepenatan
Kadangkala, bukan kerja harian yang menyebabkan kita berasa bosan tetapi lebih kepada rasa penat yang dialami hingga menyebabkan ketiadaan tenaga dan semangat untuk bekerja. Cara terbaik adalah berhenti seketika, tarik nafas sedalamnya kemudian lakukan beberapa gerakan ringkas yang akan melancarkan semula aliran darah dalam badan. Anda juga boleh berhenti untuk kudapan ringkas seperti bijirin sarapan atau biskut. Secawan kopi juga pasti membantu.

Selain itu, bekerja sambil berdiri buat sebentar juga membantu untuk mengecas semula tenaga anda. Sesuatu yang dipanggil ‘power nap’ yakni tidur sebentar dalam tempoh masa 5 minit bagi memberi kesegaran pada tubuh dan minda juga boleh membantu mengatasi kepenatan. Ingat, jangan sampai ditangkap tidur di hadapan bos atau terlebih tidur pula!

4.    Jadikan mesyuarat anda sesuatu yang berbaloi
Mesyuarat biasanya adalah bahagian paling membosan dalam kerja harian di pejabat. Betul atau tidak? Separuh daripadanya telah membazir waktu anda pada kerja sebenar di tangan. Sediakan itinerari mesyuarat agar perjalanan mesyuarat lebih teratur. Sekiranya perlu, bincang dengan pengurus jika ada sebarang penambah baikan terhadap mesyuarat untuk menjadikan ia lebih produktif.

5.    Maju kehadapan dan terima tanggungjawab baru
Jika kerja harian anda kelihatan mudah dan suram, cuba koreksi pembaharuan yang boleh dilakukan dalam kerja harian itu. Beri inisiatif baru terhadap projek yang sedang dilakukan, ia bukan sahaja akan mengecas semangat anda, malah anda juga akan mendapat perhatian istimewa daripada pengurus atas usaha yang dilakukan. Selain itu mungkin anda boleh bertukar-tukar tugasan kecil dengan rakan sekerja, ini akan membuatkan hari anda lebih menarik dek kerana anda akan belajar dan cuba membuat perkara baru.

Pekerja mungkin akan mengalami kesan psikologi sementara akibat kebosanan di pejabat seperti tekanan, tidak gembira serta kurang yakin diri – dalam masa yang sama perasaan bosan di pejabat sebenarnya adalah nilai yang sangat mahal harganya buat seorang pekerja kerana beliau mungkin akan kehilangan bakat dan sumbangan penting dalam jangka masa yang lebih panjang, jika ia dibiarkan berterusan.

Pelbagai inisiatif boleh dilakukan oleh ketua anda, bagi membantu pekerja yang kepenatan emosinya, antaranya dengan perbincangan tentang perkara yang boleh diubah bagi membuatkan pekerja berasa lebih selesa dan kurang tertekan. Menjadi pengurus bukan sahaja melibatkan pengurusan tugasan, tetapi juga termasuk mengurus emosi pekerja bawahan, itulah yang menjadikan seseorang itu pengurus yang hebat!

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