Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wake Up Call!!!


I've often heard it said, "How you do one thing is how you do everything." While I believe we can all change given the right stimulus, the spirit of this statement is true. And how you begin your day can set you up for feeling really good at the end of it.

Case in you begin your day with a "to do" or "action" list filled with income producing activities or with administrative items that you think need to be done? It's easy to add those items to your list because they are a necessary part of running a business, but if you don't generate the income you really won't have to worry about the admin pieces, right?

So here are two strategies I want you to implement immediately, at the start of your day.
First, always begin your to do list with a bit of "think time." Ask yourself, "What is really important for you to do and if it's not important who else can do it?" Do a "brain dump" and make a list without deciding whether it's good or bad, necessary or evil. Don't prioritize or edit, just write until it's all out.

Next, using that "brain dump" list, segment it into TWO parts and always beginning in this way:

Part 1: What will bring income into the business faster?

Here are some ideas for you: promote a consultation, promote a product, offer an incentive or coupon to get the product now, speak, network, connect with former clients who you want to work with again, contact a colleague and do a cross promotion to each other's lists, sign up as an affiliate for a product you believe would be of genuine value to your list or clients, teach a webinar or live seminar and make an offer at the end.

Part 2: What are the admin areas that contribute to bringing income into the business faster and who can help me?

Notice what I did there. The admin pieces that contribute to bringing in income are the only areas that should have the "luxury of space" on your to do list. Everything else is a distraction. So for instance, cleaning out your email - while it energetically frees up space, it's not a priority for bringing in income - unless buried in there is a client or a sale that you've overlooked. And if that's they case, you've got another problem...

Some entrepreneurs haven't decided that they need help and still burn themselves out trying to do it all themselves. There are many assistants who offer blocks of hours for projects and many freelance sites like, and They provide support for the areas that you are not your core genius and take up more time than the return on your investment. So consider who can help you move faster with a little more help and support.

"Two-part to do lists..." from now on. That's what will impact your income faster because your time and energy will be focused in the areas that truly transform your business and your world.

That's your WAKE UP CALL for this week!

Chris Makell, author of A Smack Upside the Head, guides entrepreneurs who are "closet" introverts, to "be a voice not an echo" to attract more ideal clients who generate higher levels of income for your business. Get your free Next Level Breakthrough resources at

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