Saturday, August 31, 2013

Team Building - Top Ten Things, Ten Ways & 5 Simple Actions

Successful Team Building. Elusive? Maybe. Desired? Definitely. Challenging? Sure. But top class Team Building is what all great bosses do. Having a slick, smart, gung-ho team around you is the ingredient you need, to make your business or organisation really perform.
"The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are. They are frank in admitting this and are willing to pay for such talents."
~Amos Parrish

Yet why is it so challenging for many managers and leaders? What proves so difficult? Well, what we will do here is to try to tease out all the elements of how you go about easy Team Building.

Top Ten Things About Team Building

People who lead the best teams realise early on that they cannot run their business alone. It will either kill them or they will fail.

Here are some of the ways the very best set about Team Building...

1. Be Clear
-Great team leaders have expressed a very clear vision and with it simple expectations of their team.
2. Are Fair and Consistent
-They have one set of rules and one set only - for everyone including themselves. Everyone knows the acceptable behaviour and standards.
3. Delegate
-The best Team Building comes through sharing key workload, enabling team members to succeed, develop and deliver the result.
4. Leave Well Alone
-Leaders are very clear on what they want and then let go. They are not especially interested in how it is delivered, though they recognise the best results come from collaboration.
5. Provide Resources
-Great team leaders enhance the relationship with their team by ensuring that they have all they need to get the job done, whilst subtly alerting them to potential difficulties.
6. Give and Take Feedback
-In open and honest relationships all members of the team are willing to give each other support and feedback - including the leader. Both ways.
7. Blame No-one
-To truly enable a team of positive and willing contributors, risk is allowed! Using the phrase 'ask for forgiveness, not permission' a great team evolves. Delivering outstanding results.
8. Develop the Team
-Excellent Team Building comes from growing together and a top team leader's mission is to make that happen. Synergies are exploited, experiences are shared and above all team members are challenged and stretched to maximise achievements, in a place of safety.
9. Appreciate Individuals
-There are great individuals in great teams and the leaders job is to honour each and every one of them, whilst utilising those special, individual talents, in a co-creative team performance.
10. Celebrate Together
-And boy do those best at Team Building know how to make the most of success - ready for the next challenge!

Ten Ways to be Better at Team Building
1. Do Less
-Appreciate that leading a team is about giving way and letting others get on with it.
2. Communicate Well
-Keep in touch regularly. Keep your people informed and listen to them well. Ups and downs - if you do this, they will build their trust in you.
3. Be Interested in the People
-By creating a great team remember that they are all individuals too - they are real people who have differing needs from you. Appreciating that differentiates you as an exceptional team leader.
4. Choose Well
-The best time to choose a team is at the start. If you tolerate poor team members it is much, much harder to fix. So choose well. Recruit well. It's the best form of Team Building you can use.
5. Learn Together
-This is a concerted effort of co-operative learning - all together, including you - admit your shortfalls and they will support you. Support them and they will grow!
6. Review
-And as part of that learning, review progress regularly; appreciate if someone is struggling and encourage ways to learn and move on. Review the end result too Using what's been learned for the next project.
7. Be Open
-As leader you have an important role to make sure that the job gets done. Yet you are allowed to be open with them - to share your concerns and fears. It is OK to be human and within that emotional bond, you will all become a stronger team.
8. Allow Failure
-How you handle things when they do go wrong is a vital component in how your team will evolve and how you will evolve as a team leader. The outcome will be positive or more fear and doubt. As Charles Lindbergh said:-

    "What kind of man would live where there is no daring. I don't believe in taking foolish chances, but nothing can be accomplished without taking any chance at all"

9. Have Fun
-It's OK to have fun. A team leader walks a fine line between over-familiarity and easy business relationships. But it can be done - watch for signals and respond accordingly. At the same time enable laughter and joy. It is a strong bond.
10. Spread the Word
-When the team work is over, or if key people move on, rejoice in what they take from the experience with you. Encourage them to use their experience of Team Building with their new people and do it for themselves.

5 Simple Actions You Can Take Today!

-Watch how much depends on you as the boss. If it is hard - you need better team-working.
-Test yourself this week for things that 'only you can do'. Ask yourself, 'Is this really true?'. 'Is there no-one else I have on board who can help me here?'
-Find a great team (business; sport; whatever) and consider everything they needed to become as good as they are as a team.
-Find out what your team members would like to do that you do yourself. Asking them is the best and easiest way.
-Ask them what you could personally do differently that would enable them to do their jobs much better.
-One more! - checkout where the weaknesses are in your team - who is it that sucks energy from you (and others) - is it fixable or not. If not work out a humane way to resolve it fast.

Six Motivational Techniques for Managers

HR specialist and writer, Dennis Phoenix, suggests six motivational techniques for managers.

Any manager knows that a motivated team is a productive team. The success of any business is dependent on the motivation of its employees. Happy and engaged employees invariably lead to productivity and profit. Unfortunately, motivational techniques are anything but an exact science. What works for one individual doesn’t for another.

It is critical for a manager or small business owner to find out what motivates their team. In many cases, it boils down to getting to know each employee on an individual basis. Some are motivated by money alone, some prefer recognition and others are motivated when they feel valued.


Six motivational techniques for managers


It is said that good communication is the number one factor in any good relationship. A leader must always be approachable and accessible. In other words, keep the door open. Spending time with employees on a one to one basis will put them at ease and alleviate uncertainty. It will also give the manager keen insight into what motivates each of his employees.



Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Life Transformation: The Secret To Creating Your Best Self

Transformation: The Secret To Live Your Best Life

“You do something that you could never have imagined yourself doing, become something you could never have imagined yourself becoming, and, ultimately, live a life greater than you could have ever imagined yourself living.” ~Dr. Judith Wright

At the most fundamental level, every self-improvement blog post or self help book is about life transformation.

How can you transform from the person you are today to a person who is happier, healthier, more fulfilled, more productive, in better relationships, having more self-esteem, and feeling more self-confident?

Even the smallest positive life changes transform us in some way, pushing us forward on the personal evolutionary scale and fostering some level of self-awareness and growth.

But what if you could transform on a level that afforded so much more than incremental change? What if personal transformation propelled you from living a better life to living a spectacular life?

Recently, I had a guest expert speak to students in my Path to Passion course about the kind of transformation that leads to spectacular living. Dr. Judith Wright is an educator, renowned coach and speaker, lifestyles expert, and author (with her husband Bob) of Transformed!: The Science of Spectacular Living.

Dr. Wright was kind enough to speak with me about her book and the process of life transformation that leads to exponential, significant change and growth. Here’s what she had to say:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Utamakan Keselamatan!


Dengan seorang bayi dalam kehidupan anda, keselamatan pasti menjadi keutamaan. Lupakan sahaja hasrat untuk memiliki kediaman dan ruang dalam kereta yang bersih dan rapi sepanjang masa!

Kehadiran bayi dalam kehidupan anda pasti mengubah dunia anda. Tiba-tiba sahaja, semua barangan dalam rumah berada dalam keadaan bahaya terutamanya bila bayi anda sudah pandai bergerak sendiri. Ini bermakna anda perlu menyimpan semua pasu kaca, barangan antik dan koleksi hiasan kecil yang dikumpul sewaktu melancong ke luar negara.  

Jauhkan barangan berharga ini dari bayi sehingga dia sudah cukup dewasa untuk memahami nilai mereka dan kenapa anda begitu menyayangi mereka. Mengambil langkah untuk menjadikan rumah dan kereta anda selamat untuk kanak-kanak bukan saja menghindari anak anda dari potensi tercedera tetapi juga mencegah kemarahan apabila barangan berharga anda dirosakkan.

10 aspek kemas

Oleh Murshid Eunos

Hari ini istilah tatarias diri bukan hanya untuk kaum wanita sebaliknya lelaki juga perlu memberi penekanan kepada keseluruhan aspek penampilan dan kebersihan diri. Jangan anggap ia sebagai beban kerana setiap langkah penting bagi mendapatkan awet muda biarpun tubuh terus dimamah usia. MURSHID EUNOS senaraikan 10 ciri ini. 

1. Sabun buku bukan untuk wajah

Lelaki mempunyai kulit berminyak kira-kira 15 peratus melebihi wanita. Pori besar membenarkan segala kekotoran meresap ke dalam kulit. Usah malas mencuci muka menggunakan pembersih wajah yang betul. Elakkan penggunaan sabun buku untuk badan pada wajah. Begitu juga dengan syampu dan krim pencukur, pastikan anda mempunyai sabun khusus untuk setiap perkara.

2. Krim pelindung matahari
Disebabkan kebanyakan lelaki banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan aktiviti luar pejabat, kulit mereka mudah terdedah pada cahaya matahari. Bagi mengelak diserang masalah warna kulit tidak sekata, jangan ragu-ragu menggunakan krim atau losyen pelindung matahari setiap hari.

3. Pelembap rambut
Langkah yang sering ditinggalkan jejaka ialah merapi rambut selepas menggunakan syampu. Tiada salahnya merapi rambut sebanyak dua kali seminggu (bergantung pada jenis rambut) kerana ia penting bagi mengekalkan kelembutan tekstur rambut. Ia juga mampu menyingkirkan minyak berlebihan pada akar kepala sekali gus mengurangkan risiko rambut gugur.

Rangsang kembali pendengaran anak


Oleh Rosmaliana Aida Mohd Adnan

Belajar bercakap satu proses yang memakan masa yang lama. Bayi baru lahir memerlukan masa 12 bulan untuk merakam dan mengenal pasti pelbagai bunyi sebelum boleh menuturkannya.

Kebolehan bercakap juga dipengaruhi kemampuan individu untuk mendengar. Semakin rendah kualiti pendengaran, semakin sukar untuk individu berkenaan menyebut perkataan dengan jelas dan betul.

Keadaan ini perkara biasa dihadapi individu bermasalah pendengaran kerana proses pertuturan menjadi semakin sukar apabila meningkat dewasa terutama jika tidak diberikan rawatan sewajarnya.

Masalah pendengaran boleh berlaku kepada sesiapa saja dan boleh berpunca daripada pelbagai faktor.

Antara yang paling lazim adalah kongenital (bayi dilahirkan dengan kecacatan), jangkitan telinga tengah, meningitis, pendedahan kepada bunyi yang terlalu kuat dan faktor usia.


Menurut Ketua Unit Terapi Pertuturan, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pemulihan Perubatan, Pusat Perubatan UKM, Nor Shahrina Mohd Zawawi, peringkat masalah pendengaran juga bergantung ­kepada tahap keseriusan faktor ­penyebabnya.

Sebagai contoh bagi kanak-kanak yang mengalami sumbing lelangit, kebiasaannya mereka berhadapan dengan masalah pada bahagian telinga tengah.

“Terdapat cara atau protokol tertentu yang perlu dilalui untuk menanganinya dan ibu bapa perlu memberikan perhatian khusus.

“Cara sebutan setiap perkataan perlu dititikberatkan bagi membolehkan kanak-kanak memahami bunyi dikeluarkan dengan betul,” katanya.

Secara umumnya, kanak-kanak sering berhadapan dengan masalah telinga tersumbat dan jika ia mengakibatkan jangkitan, individu berkenaan berisiko lambat bercakap.

Antara masalah pendenga­ran yang biasa berlaku ialah pekak. Ia adalah satu daripada kecacatan kongenital yang sering terjadi pada bayi baru lahir.

Oleh itu, terdapat proses pengesanan awal pen­dengaran dilakukan pada bayi baru lahir bagi memastikan pendengaran mereka normal.

Antara kaedah digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah pendengaran ini ialah melalui implan koklea (CI).

Ia adalah alat elektronik yang dimasukkan melalui pembedahan bagi memberikan deria bunyi kepada seseorang yang pekak atau pendengarannya terjejas teruk.

Malah, CI juga membantu memberikan pen­dengaran kepada pesakit yang tidak pekak kerana kerosakan pada deria sel rerambut dalam koklea.

Nor Shahrina berkata, implan yang dimasukkan membolehkan pendengaran yang mencukupi untuk memahami suara dengan lebih baik.

“Bagaimanapun kualiti bunyi berbeza berbanding pendengaran semula jadi kerana kurang maklumat bunyi yang diterima dan diproses oleh otak.

“Tetapi ramai pesakit boleh mendengar serta memahami pertuturan dan bunyi alam sekitar melalui penggunaannya, namun ia tidak mengembalikan pendengaran seperti individu normal,” katanya.

Kebanyakan pesakit yang menggunakan CI menggambarkannya sebagai bunyi mekanikal. Bagaimanapun, proses pemulihan berterusan membolehkan otak melakukan penyesuaian terhadap bunyi baru dan isyarat pertuturan.

CI sesuai dilakukan semua peringkat usia termasuk kanak-kanak.

Mereka yang mempu­nyai masalah pendengaran yang teruk digalakkan untuk menjalani CI bagi memulihkan kembali fungsi pendengaran mereka.

“Setiap peringkat usia mempunyai risiko dan tahap keberkesanan terhadap CI itu sendiri. Bagi pesakit lebih berusia, risiko dialami bergantung kepada tahap kesihatan mereka.

“Berbeza pula bagi kanak-kanak, mereka digalakkan mempercepatkan proses CI kerana ia akan membantu tahap tumbesaran sosial dan percakapan mereka pada masa depan,” katanya.

Sepanjang proses pemulihan, ibu bapa dan ahli keluarga perlu merangsang kembali pendengaran anak menggunakan alat pen­dengaran untuk berkomunikasi.

“Sekiranya tidak dilakukan dengan betul, ia akan menyebabkan kadar pemulihan individu yang melakukan CI terencat.

“Selain itu, individu ini juga perlu diajar menyebut perkataan dengan betul sejak dari asas lagi,” katanya.

Ibu bapa yang berupaya melatih anak mendengar dan bertutur membolehkan proses mendengar menjadi lebih pantas dan memudahkan aktiviti harian mereka.

Pembedahan implan ini akan dilakukan di bawah kulit belakang telinga manakala bahagian asas alatan pembedahan termasuk:




Pemproses ucapan yang berfungsi untuk menapis ucapan didengari dan menghantar bunyi elektrik dengan memberikan isyarat melalui kabel nipis kepada pemancar.


Satu lapisan magnetik yang diletakkan di belakang telinga luar dan memancarkan isyarat bunyi yang diproses oleh induksi elektromagnetik.


Bahagian dalaman ­termasuk penerima dan elektrod.

Penerima terletak di bawah kulit belakang telinga yang membawa isyarat elektrik berkod daripada pemancar dan menyampaikannya kepada sistem susun tertib elektrod yang dimasukkan melalui pembedahan ke dalam koklea.

Sementara itu, elektrod pula merangsang gentian saraf auditori dan sensasi bunyi diterima.

Sebelum menjalani proses CI, seseorang itu perlu mengetahui jenis masalah pendengaran dihadapi.

Masalah pendengaran boleh dibahagikan kepada dua kategori iaitu boleh dirawat dan tidak boleh dirawat.

Jika pesakit menghadapi masalah pendengaran yang tidak boleh dirawat, penggunaan alat bantuan pendengaran sememangnya diperlukan.

Terdapat beberapa faktor penyebab masalah pen­dengaran iaitu:

  • Masalah pendengaran konduktif: Berlaku masalah atau jang­kitan pada telinga luar dan telinga tengah, ketiadaan lubang telinga (atresia, cuping telinga kecil atau tiada cuping telinga (mikrotia atau anotia), jangkitan kuman pada telinga atau gegendang telinga pecah.
  • Masalah pendengaran sensorineural: Terdapat masalah atau jangkitan pada telinga dalam di kawasan koklea dan saraf pendengaran.
  • Masalah pendengaran campuran: Terdapat kehadiran kedua-dua masalah pendengaran (campuran antara konduktif dan sensorineural.

Punca kecacatan pendengaran sejak lahir:

  • Jangkitan semasa kandungan seperti rubela dan sifilis.
  • Bayi yang pramatang atau tidak cukup berat badan (kurang daripada 1.5 kilogram).
  • Bayi yang dilahirkan lemas dan memerlukan alat pernafasan selepas lahir.
  • Meningitis atau jangkitan kuman pada otak selepas lahir.
  • Bayi yang mengalami kekuningan yang teruk sehingga tahap memerlukan pertukaran darah.
  • Bayi dilahirkan ­dengan masalah sumbing ­lelangit. 

 Artikel ini disiarkan pada : 2013/08/12 - mymetro

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Hukum tunai zakat dengan cara moden


Apakah hukumnya membayar zakat dengan pelbagai kaedah terbaharu pada hari ini, misalnya dengan kad kredit, perbankan internet dan SMS?

Jawapan: Allah SWT menyatakan di dalam al-Quran: “Allah menghendaki kemudahan bagi kamu, dan tidak menghendaki kesukaran bagi kamu,” (al-Baqarah: 185). Manakala di dalam kaedah dakwah Islam, ada suatu kaedah yang berbunyi “mudahkan jangan kamu payahkan.”

Berbalik kepada persoalan di atas. Menunaikan zakat adalah kewajipan dan berdosa hukumnya jika ia dilalaikan. Maka, institusi zakat seperti Lembaga Zakat Selangor yang dilantik oleh pemerintah Islam hendaklah berusaha agar kewajipan itu mudah untuk dilaksanakan oleh semua orang. Apabila mudah ditunaikan, maka kewajipan umat Islam akan terjaga dan ia memberikan kesan yang baik kepada pihak pembayar zakat (muzakki) mahu pun pihak penerima zakat (mustahiq).

Iktibar memberikan kemudahan dalam urusan zakat dapat disandarkan kepada amalan pada zaman dahulu. Misalnya, rasulullah SAW telah melantik ramai daripada kalangan sahabat baginda sebagai amil. Tujuannya, supaya mereka dapat mendekati lebih ramai umat Islam dan memudahkan urusan zakat ditunaikan. Bahkan pada zaman Umar bin al-Khattab r.a misalnya, baginda melantik amil berjawatan tetap yang ditugaskan bukan sekadar mengutip zakat, bahkan menolong para muzakki menaksir berapakah jumlah zakat daripada harta mereka.

Pada zaman Saiyidina Uthman bin Affan r.a menjadi khalifah pula, Uthman antara lain memberikan keizinan agar harta yang mahu dikeluarkan zakat itu boleh ditukar ganti dengan nilaian wang. Uthman berijtihad demikian demi mengelakkan harta zakat seperti buah-buahan menjadi rosak jika sudah lama disimpan di dalam Baitul Mal.

Maka, pada hari ini perkembangan dalam sektor kewangan dan transaksi sudah begitu meluas. Pelbagai inovasi sudah dan akan terus diterokai oleh umat manusia. Ia termasuklah dengan kewujudan internet, kad kredit, mesin bayaran tanpa tunai, SMS dan sebagainya lagi yang memungkinkan transaksi tanpa bersemuka dapat dijalankan semudah A, B dan C. Semuanya cukup hanya dengan menekan butang demi butang lalu memasukkan angka dan semuanya sudah terlaksana.

Oleh itu, Islam sebagai agama yang meraikan perubahan tidak rigid dalam menerima pembaharuan seperti ini. Bahkan Islam memanfaatkannya agar ia dapat memberikan kemudahan kepada penganutnya. Sungguh pun inovasi ini mungkin dicipta oleh orang bukan Islam, namun selagi ia tidak bertentangan dengan kaedah syarak dan hukum Islam, maka ia dapat diterima untuk diamalkan. Samalah seperti mana kerajaan Islam pada zaman Bani Abbasiyyah yang menerima kemasukan pengaruh kerajaan Parsi yang sudah maju dalam membangunkan wilayah Islam.

Kesimpulannya, menunaikan zakat dengan pelbagai kaedah baharu ini tidaklah menjadi suatu kesalahan di sisi Islam. Ia adalah sah bahkan memudahkan urusan dengan syarat, hendaklah dipatuhi segala rukun zakatnya, iaitu niat dan berlakunya perpindahan harta zakat daripada muzakki kepada mustahiq. Wallahua’lam.

Sebarang kemusykilan zakat sila e-mailkan kepada atau layari

Cerpen : Jangan Ganggu Buah Hatiku

12 July 2013

Oleh : Isma Adeliya

Samirah melangkah penuh yakin, menghampiri banglo setingkat yang berdiri gagah di hadapannya. Loceng pagar ditekan dan sebentar kemudian pagar yang diperbuat daripada besi tempawan itu terbuka dengan sendirinya. Tidak sampai seminit muncul seorang wanita berusia sekitar 50-an di hadapannya.

Bermula daripada hari ini, dia akan tinggal bersama Aunty Kelly, sepupu ayahnya. Sepatutnya wanita dengan nama sebenar Kalisah Ridzuan itu dipanggilnya Mak Su tetapi semenjak kecil Samirah sudah diarahkan memanggilnya Aunty Kelly. Aunty Kelly menetap di banglo itu bersama suaminya Samsudin dan anak bongsunya Aish Mirza. Dua lagi anaknya, Jefri Mirza dan Ain Mirza sudah berumahtangga dan menetap di rumah masing-masing.


Samirah menyusun pakiannya di dalam almari. Selesai menyusun, dia duduk di birai katil. Matanya melilau ke seluruh bilik. Dalam hati melafazkan syukur ke hadrat Illahi, berterima kasih kerana memudahkan urusannya. Mujurlah ada Aunty Kelly yang sudi menumpangkannya sementara dia dapat menyewa rumah lain. Tawaran kerja yang diperolehi mengkehendakinya segera melaporkan diri, jadi dia belum sempat mencari rumah sewa. Papa yang mencadangkan agar tinggal dulu dengan Aunty Kelly.

Teringkatkan Papa, hati menjadi sayu. Kepulangannya dari luar negara setelah habis pengajian hanya disambut oleh Papa seorang. Sedangkan dua hari sebelum penerbangannya, Mama berjanji akan mengambilnya di KLIA bersama-sama dengan Papa. Rupa-rupanya ada sesuatu yang besar telah berlaku di antara Papa dan Mama. Enam bulan mereka merahsiakan perkara itu dari pengetahuan Samirah.

Hancur luluh hati Samirah bila Papa menceritakan hal yang sebenar kepadanya. Sungguh dia tidak faham mengapa perkahwinan yang sudah terbina selama 26 tahun boleh musnah. Bukankah tempoh itu sudah cukup panjang untuk Mama dan Papa mengenali hati budi masing-masing? Tidakkah mereka saling memahami, menerima kekuatan dan kelemahan masing-masing dan sepatutnya boleh berkompromi? Mengapakah perceraian menjadi pilihan untuk menyelesaikan kemelut yang melanda?

Samirah buntu memikirkannya. Lebih mengecewakan apabila abang juga turut merahsiakan perkara ini daripada pengetahuannya. Alasan yang mereka berikan ialah tidak mahu mengganggu konsentrasi Samirah yang akan menghabiskan pengajiannya.

Samirah menarik nafas dalam-dalam sebelum dilepaskan perlahan-lahan. Cukuplah dua bulan dia bersedih. Hidup mesti diteruskan biarpun berbagai rintangan yang perlu ditempuhi. Selagi dia yakin Allah sentiasa ada untuknya, selagi itu dia akan mengharungi hidup ini dengan kecekalan.

Jam loceng berbunyi tepat jam 3.30 pagi. Aish meraba jam loceng yang membingitkan telinganya dan mematikan jam tersebut. Kemudian bangun, duduk tegak di atas katil, mengeliat sedikit dan menurunkan kakinya ke lantai. Berjalan ke bilik air, mencuci muka dan menggosok gigi. Keluar dari bilik air dia memeriksa telefon bimbitnya, kalau-kalau ada pesanan atau miss call. Telefon dipegang kemas lalu turun ke bawah.

TV dihidupkan. Sebentar lagi akan berlangsung perlawanan bola di antara Liverpool dengan QPR. Kalau sudah makan bola, tidur bola, mimpi bola, mana ada perlawanan yang boleh diabaikan. Tidak kira pasukan mana yang bermain, MU ke, Chelsea ke, Real Madrid ke, Barcelona ke, atau pasukan-pasukan lain, harus bagi Aish menontonnya. Lebih-lebih lagi kalau Chelsea dan MU, dua pasukan kegemarannya yang bermain. Sanggup bersengkang mata untuk bola.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

12 Tips For Dealing With A Lazy Co-Worker

12 Tips For Dealing With A Lazy Co-Worker 
Do you work with someone who takes two-hour lunch breaks, makes dozens of personal calls and naps in their desk chair? Perhaps they frequent the restroom or surf the web all day, while you hustle to keep up with your daily workload. It’s not uncommon to come across a lazy co-worker, and they’re not always easy to deal with. 

Carping and tattling won’t get you anywhere – but there are a few things you can do to alleviate the issue. Here are 12 tips for dealing with a lazy co-worker from Stever Robbins, an executive and personal coach, and top 10 business podcaster.

1. Don’t let them distract you. Don’t spend your day focusing on the fact that your lazy co-worker is constantly checking Facebook, texting or snoring at the desk next to yours. Try to tune them out and focus on your work. “Human beings are funny that way,” Robbins says. “We will spend more time focusing on the fact that our colleague isn’t doing their work than it would take to just do it ourselves.”

2. Don’t get caught up in the issue of fairness. Life isn’t fair. “People often say ‘it’s unfair that he gets away with doing nothing,’ but at the end of the day, it really doesn’t change anything,” Robbins says. “By pointing out that it’s not fair, we just make ourselves feel bad and the situation doesn’t change.” Instead, focus on being the best that you can be.

3. Decide who you want to be. “These tips are really all about behavior, but there’s a more important question: Who do you want to show up as in your life?” he says. “Think of the people you deeply admire, and what personal qualities make them admirable? Regardless of the practical implications of your actions, ask yourself how the ‘Ideal You’ would deal with the situation. You’ll behave very differently with Chuck Norris as your role model then with Ghandi as your role model.” Sometimes, who you are as a person is more important in determining your actions than momentary concerns of a specific situation.

4. Don’t let it affect your attitude. If you waste your time and energy on being angry or annoyed about your lazy colleague, your work performance may start slipping and you may be less pleasant to be around. A hostile colleague is just as bad as a lazy one.

5. Don’t tattle. That might make you look like a apple polisher, so don’t do it. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak up. “This one is tricky,” he warns. “It depends on the situation and the boss. Some bosses might say, ‘Thanks for letting me know. I’ll investigate,’ while others may tell you, ‘It’s not your job to worry about your co-workers’ performance.’  It could make you look bad. But if you go to your boss and say, ‘I’m at a point where I can’t go any further with this project because I’m waiting for Bill to finish his part. What can we do about this?,’ it gets the point across without your seeming like a tattler.” If they explicitly ask you to review your co-workers’ performance, you should be honest, Robbins suggests.

6. Don’t let their ways rub off on you. Don’t get sucked into their routine of two-hour lunch breaks and dozens of trips to the restroom or water cooler. If they start chatting with you, let them know you’re busy. “It’s tempting to follow their lead if they are getting away with it, but don’t fall into that trap,” he says.

7. Don’t let their work become your responsibility. If you’re on the same team or share the same responsibilities, don’t pick up the work they aren’t doing. Remind them of tasks and deadlines, but don’t let babysitting your lazy colleagues consume too much of your valuable time.

8. Don’t let them affect your success. A lazy colleague can hinder your progress. If your boss notices work isn’t getting done, don’t let the blame fall on you. This is your opportunity to speak up, if you haven’t done so already.

9. Use the opportunity to become a leader. This may be your chance to really step up and prove you can deal with difficult situations. “When you go to your boss, tell him or her that you’ve noticed your colleague isn’t getting their work done, so you would like the opportunity to be a leader. Then, approach your colleague and say you want to help him meet goals and deadlines. This frames you as a leader.”

10. Don’t gossip or complain to other colleagues. It’s unprofessional. “You could cause misunderstandings and hurt feelings,” Robbins says.

11. Communicate with your co-worker. He or she might not be lazy. Instead, they might be unclear of their tasks and deadlines. “Be clear about goals, deadlines and commitments,” Robbins suggests. “Sometimes it’s not that they’re lazy, it’s that they don’t have a good way of organizing their work or managing their time.” There’s always a chance that they’re preoccupied with a personal matter, too. “We need to remember that life happens,” he says. They could be distracted by a health issue or family problem.

12. Don’t say yes to projects that require your co-worker to work at full capacity. If your co-worker is chronically lazy and nothing or no one—not you, not your boss—has been able to make a difference, proactively work this into how you plan, Robbins says. “When you’re given a project where you’ll have to depend on your lazy co-worker, factor their anticipated laziness into your schedule. Don’t agree to a time frame that assumes they’ll deliver,” he adds. You can also  use this as an opportunity to ask for more resources. “For example, you can say, ‘Hey, boss, I’m afraid I won’t be able to finish the project by June with the current resources.’ You’re boss might respond, ‘But you have Bob.’ Tell him, ‘Yes, but given the pace of Bob’s work, I don’t think he can deliver what we’ll need in the time frame we’ll need it.’ Best case, you’ll get the resources you need. Worst case, you’ve implicitly raised the issue of Bob’s performance with your boss in a non-aggressive way.”

Sources: Forbes

Got a New Strategy? Don't Forget the Execution Part

The following post was published on the Knowledge@Wharton website on July 31, 2013.

When it comes to executing strategy, the old saying “the devil is in the details” holds true for many companies, according to Wharton emeritus management professor Lawrence G. Hrebiniak. While executives may readily participate in the development of new strategies, execution tends to get short shrift, because it is often viewed as a lower-level task or concern, he notes. In the following interview, Hrebiniak — who just published the second edition of his book, Making Strategy Work: Leading Effective Execution and Change — explains why it’s critical for firms to create a “culture of execution” in order to succeed.

An edited version of the conversation appears below.

Knowledge@Wharton: Why do firms tend to focus much more energy on strategy and less on execution?

Lawrence G. Hrebiniak: Strategy execution takes longer, involves more people, demands the consideration and integration of many key variables or activities, and requires an effective feedback or control system to keep a needed focus on the process of execution over time. The strategic planning stage is usually more concentrated and of shorter duration than the execution stage. It often deals with interesting conceptual issues that appeal to many managers. The longer execution time horizon results in developments and changes that must be addressed over time — for example, manager turnover, competitors’ reactions to a company’s strategy, changing economic and competitive conditions, a changing industry structure and forces, etc. — suggesting the importance and difficulty of organizational adaptation during the execution process.

Keeping managers and functional specialists involved in and committed to the execution requirements over a long time period can be difficult. Some managers simply give up or turn to other developing problems and opportunities, reducing the energy expended on implementation plans and activities. To some managers, execution-related issues aren’t as exciting or conceptual, resulting in less than enthusiastic attention or energy being focused on these activities. These factors, among others, increase the difficulty of strategy execution and cause managers to avoid critical implementation requirements. The key here is management support — from the top down — to create a culture of execution and maintain a focus on execution and its benefits.

Knowledge@Wharton: What are some of the biggest mistakes that companies make when it comes to implementing strategy? What are the common pitfalls?

Hrebiniak: There are a number of mistakes I’ve observed over the years. One is that strategy execution or implementation is viewed as a lower-level task or concern. Top managers with this view believe that making strategy work — the decisions and activities associated with this task — is somehow “below them,” literally and figuratively. This often creates a “caste” or class system in which upper management feels that it’s done the hard work — strategic planning — and that the lower-level people then can do the easier work of execution. This is a huge mistake, one that can create cultural rifts and poor communication across organizational levels, leading to ineffective performance and other serious problems.
Another mistake managers make is to assume that execution is a quick, one-shot decision or action, like “Ready-Aim-Execute” — or even worse, “Ready-Execute-Aim.” Implementation or execution simply isn’t a one-shot deal. Strategy execution is a process, with important relationships among key variables, decisions and actions, not a quick fix marked by simple clichés, such as: “Give him the ball and let him run with it.” Failure to see and appreciate the interdependence or interaction among key factors — strategy, structure, incentives, controls, coordination, culture, change, etc. — is a costly mistake that detracts from strategy execution success. The complexity of the implementation process also results in managers ignoring the execution process, an issue I mentioned earlier.

A mistake I’ve observed occasionally is that a good strategy is seen as sufficient to motivate effective execution. The assumption is that solid execution will come naturally, as people see the benefits and logic of the strategic plan and act accordingly to foster execution success. This assumption rarely, if ever, is founded; execution takes hard work, communication of actions and benefits, and effective incentives to get managers to buy into the execution process. Managers need skin in the game and logical guidance about their roles in the execution scheme to make even a good strategy work.

A related mistake is to assume that a really bad or unsound strategy can be made to work well if “we execute it well.” A bad strategy cannot be saved by working hard at execution. “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear,” as the saying warns. Good strategy comes first and is essential to sound execution. Skimping on the strategy formulation stage of strategic management can only lead to implementation headaches.

There are additional pitfalls that threaten the strategy execution process in addition to those suggested above. An important one emanates from not having a solid plan of execution or implementation. Every strategic plan requires an implementation or execution component or plan. Every corporate and business plan must be supported by a plan of execution. The execution plan or component must lay out clearly the key decisions and actions required for making the strategy work. The interdependence or interactions among key factors must be spelled out, and well understood. Responsibility and accountability for decisions and actions must be clear and agreed upon, with areas of overlapping responsibility and need for cooperation laid out and committed to by key personnel. Failure to develop an implementation plan is a problem or pitfall that usually ends in disastrous performance. Again, the assumption seems to be that execution simply happens or unfolds seamlessly, and this is a mistake.

A big pitfall or mistake emanates from a poor understanding of organizational structure. Not understanding the costs and benefits of different structures or designs can lead to severe problems. Treating structure as an afterthought or something that changes according to managers’ whims or fancies and not as a response to the demands of strategy represents a major problem or pitfall. Structure has a role to play. It affects many things, including efficiency, effectiveness, getting close to markets and customers, and so on. A lack of understanding of structure’s role in making strategy work usually leads to problems.

Also, a major pitfall with all sorts of related problems is inadequate or inappropriate attention to the management of change. Implementation or execution plans often include the need for change, and handling it poorly can lead to resistance to new execution efforts.

Knowledge@Wharton: What new kinds of problems have emerged since you published the first edition of your book — that is, what kinds of new challenges are managers facing when it comes to executing strategy in today’s business environment?

Hrebiniak: A number of new challenges emerged after publication of the first edition of Making Strategy Work. One might think that the old or consistent, ongoing challenges I noted earlier would be sufficient to keep managers who are interested in execution busy for a long time. Yet, new challenges and ideas were presented to me, adding to the list of execution-related needs. One [new area of concern was] the service sector, including not-for-profit organizations. The question simply was: Does the material in Making Strategy Work apply equally well to service organizations? Not-for-profits? Another request was for a deeper coverage of the execution of global strategies. The first edition of the book contained little insight here, and managers told me that they would like to see more about implementation in the global arena.

Quite a few managers raised questions about project management. In fact, I was contacted by someone representing the Project Management Institute who asked [several] questions about the role of project management in the execution process. Additional questions regarding making M&A strategies work also were raised. The new edition [has sections] dealing with service organizations, global strategies and project management, as well as a revised chapter on making M&A strategies work.

Knowledge@Wharton: What can a company do to become more focused on executing successfully?

Hrebiniak: The basic step for a company to follow to become more focused on execution or implementation is to create a culture of execution. How does one create such a culture? Let’s look at some basic facts. First, it’s a fact that culture affects behavior. An organizational culture include values, prescriptions on how to act, how to treat others, how to react to performance shortfalls, how to compete, etc., and these have a profound impact on behavior. A related fact, however, also must be kept in mind: Behavior, over time, affects organizational culture. Culture, [in other words], is both an independent, causal factor, and a dependent factor, affected by behavior. How, then, does one create a desired culture? By creating behaviors and performance programs that become an integral part of an organization’s way of doing things. By creating and reinforcing behaviors and performance programs that affect the very essence of how organizations act and compete, i.e. their culture.

A company, then, can [create] a culture of execution by [developing and reinforcing] behaviors that affect culture. It can: lay out key decisions, actions, and capabilities needed for successful execution; support the model and execution plan with effective incentives and controls; create structures and processes that support desired strategic and operating objectives; and manage execution as a change process in which agreement and commitment are sought and rewarded. Creating and reinforcing behaviors related to execution will impact culture; culture will reflect the critical execution-related behaviors. It is important to design, reward and otherwise support the right behaviors, those that are vital to making strategy work, in order to create and nurture a culture of execution.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Human Relation Principles

Nine ways to make people Like You!

1. Don’t criticize, condemn or complain.
2. Give honest, sincere appreciation.
3. Arouse in the other person an eager want.
4. Become genuinely interested in other people.
5. Smile.
6. Remember that a man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
7. Be a good listener, encourage others to talk about themselves.
8. Talk in terms of the other mans interest.
9. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.


Twelve ways to make people think in your way

1. Show respect for the others persons opinions. Never tell a man he is wrong.
2. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
3. If you are wrong admit it quickly and emphatically.
4. Begin in a friendly way.
5. Gets the other person saying Yes, yes immediately.
6. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his.
8. Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.
9. Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires.
10. Appeal to nobler motives.
11. Dramatize your ideas.
12. Throw down a challenge.


Nine ways to bring around people without giving offence

1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
2. Call attention to peoples mistakes indirectly.
3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
5. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.
6. Let the other man save his face.
7. Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
8. Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
9. Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.

Four ways to Analys worry

1. Get all the facts.
2. Weigh all the fats-then come to a decision.
3. Once a decision is rached, act.
4. Write the answers of the following questions.
     a) What is the problem?
     b) What are the causes of the problem?
     c) What are the possible solutions?

Four ways to Overcome worry

1. Live in day-tight compartments.
2. Face the trouble the following ways.
      a) Ask yourself what is the worst that can possibly happen?
      b) Prepare mentally to accept the worst.
      c) Try to improve on the worst.
3. Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health.
4. Apply the law of averages in your favor.

Six ways to break the worry habit

1. Keep busy.
2. Don’t fuss about trifles.
3. Use the law of averages to outlaw your worries.
4. Co-operate with the inevitable.
5. Decide just how much anxiety a thing
6. Don’t worry about the past.

Seven  ways to Peace and Happiness

1. Fill your mind with thoughts of peace, courage, health, hope and prayer.
2. Never try to get even with your enemies.
3. Expect ingratitude.
4. Count your blessings-not your troubles.
5. Do not imitate others.
6. Try to profit from your losses.
7. Create happiness for others.


Seven ways to face criticism and grow strong

1. Remember that unjust criticism is often a disguised compliment.
2. Do the very best you can.
3. Analyse your own mistakes and criticize yourself.
4. Learn to relax at your work.
5. Apply the following four good working habits.
     a) Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand.
     b) Do things in order of their importance.
     c) When you have a problem, solve it then and there if you have the necessary facts to make a decision.
     d) Learn to organize, deputize and supervise.
6. Put enthusiasm into your work.
7. Don’t worry about insomnia.

A myriad of Genting Theme Park’s Anniversary Specials offers and deals

Why is everyone in a hurry to book a place at First World Hotel??

Resorts World Genting is celebrating its 48th Anniversary this August by offering a 2D1N stay from 11 August - 9 Sept 2013 for only RM48 at First World Hotel with a complimentary moon cake for limited time only. Booking period from 8 July - 5 August 2013.

Genting's 48th Anniversary Special Room Promotion
Booking period :  8 Jul to 5 Aug 2013
Staying period  :  11 Aug to 9 Sept 2013 not inclusive of Super Peak Periods

For a limited time only, get your room at First World Hotel for RM48 and receive a complimentary Mooncake. 

The next time one of your friends tells you,'where to go for holiday?', Show them this. #Genting's48anniversary.

For more info click the above picture...

Superstars of Magic 3

Not going for this magic show? Careful, these men could 'Abracadabra' you to go for it.

Be sure not to miss out on the Sunday Matinees at a very special rate of RM48 per ticket. Tickets are available online or at any Genting ticketing counters with shows starting at 3pm in the Genting International Showroom.

This will be a good reason to go up to Genting this August! #Genting's48anniversary 

Click the photo to know more!!!

Proton Hari Raya TVC 2013


The bus driver found something inside the Proton car. 

It changed his life forever.

New Hari Raya TVC from Proton. Will the bus driver be impressed by Proton in the end?

 Proton Hari Raya TVC 2013 

Watch how Proton is using technology to make Hari Raya even more meaningful for these kids.  

 Click the photo to watch the Video

Anugerah Astro Lawak Warna

Siapa jejaka and wanita paling lawak di Malaysia?!

Anugerah Astro Lawak Warna akan berlangsung pada 16 Ogos di Istana Budaya dan LIVE di Astro Mustika HD.

Ada orang kata Zizan Razak & Didie Alias akan menang Anugerah ni. Betul ke?

Click the photo to know more!!!

5 DON'TS when you are sleeping....

Watches can emit a certain level of radioactivity. Though small, but if you wear your watch to bed for a long time, it might have adverse effects on your health. 

Scientists in America have discovered those that wear bras for more than 12 hours have a higher risk of getting breast cancer. So go to bed without it.

Putting the phone beside your bed or anywhere near you is not encouraged. Though some of us will use phones as alarm clocks, but please put the phone as far as possible. Scientists have proved that electrical items including mobile phone and television sets emit magnetic waves when used. These waves can cause disruptions to our nervous system. Therefore if you need to put your mo! bile phone near you, switch it off first.

People who sleep with make up might have skin problems in the long run. Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring. You will also need a much longer time to go into deep sleep. 


You may never wake up again....

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